Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Shawn Bolz Issues Powerful Prophetic Word for Healing This Season

Shawn Bolz

Prophetic word for healing in this season:

God is releasing the answerable prayer of David for people who have a debilitating or life-threatening sickness or issues that can take them out even just for a season. If you are facing surgery or recovering, this is also for you: 

God wants you healthy so you can thrive in being you. There has been such an attack on people’s bodies to distract and destroy them. Some of you have been under attack for so long, you need to renew your yes in your heart to receive the fullness of healing. Let yourself be present with the fact that the issues your body is facing are not your spiritual truth. This is not how God intended you to live. He wants to bring miracles, restoration and acceleration to recovery. In the midst of suffering it is hard to pray with full faith, but I pray the prophetic prayer of David in Psalms for you: 

“O Lord, my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me! You brought me back from the brink of death, from the depths below. Now here I am, alive and well, fully restored!” (Ps. 30:2–3. TPT).

Cry out and personalize it like David: My healing God, I cry out for a miracle. Come heal me. Bring me back from the brink of death. Give me life, wellness and restoration! 

Your breakthrough is coming. I am so sorry you are facing this, and we are praying with you! {eoa}

Shawn Bolz is founding pastor of Expression 58 ( in Glendale, California, and author of Translating God: Keys to Heaven’s Economy and Growing Up With God. Learn more about his ministry at

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