Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

3 Secrets to Help You Find Supernatural Strength When You Need It Most

All banks closed. too bad. Airport shut down, that’s life. No water or electricity, sorry!

That was our hometown in Bolivia each time a revolution exploded. Not far from us, only blocks from where we lived. Now, they are but ugly memories from the past.

No Way Back

But recently, my good friend was in the middle of a similar political unrest. Her mission trip ended. Airports closed. Electricity and public services minimized. And she had no way to get back home to the States.

Until a miracle shone through. A travel agency found one flight available. She boarded the plane, and the flight crew had a surprise for her. The bumped her to first class. She’s now home safe and sound.

Isn’t that like life? We’re going through each day, minding our own business. Being good, not bothering anyone. When suddenly a revolution of anxiety explodes in us—a diagnosis, a financial setback, a devastating situation, a chronic illness—all threaten to shut down the airport to peace. The bank where we find strength and energy is closed. And the electricity supply that had brightened our days is now off.

Three Secrets

But when we least expect it, God has a flight waiting. One seat available in the first class of His love. Here are three secrets to find strength until we board that plane:

  1. Know that it’s not us but He who pilots the aircraft that takes us to healing, solutions and answers
  2. Accept the situation with gratitude as He is aware of every need. He collects every tear. He understands every sigh. And pours the grace we need for each moment.
  3. Turn a deaf ear to the enemy’s lies that whisper hopelessness, defeat and gloom. His lies are shut down with God’s promises that have resonated with hope through the ages.

So if you find yourself I the middle of a revolution of fear, know the Lord’s wings will cover you. You’ll not be defeated, fall or sink because “…”… those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint” (Isa. 40:31).

Let’s Pray

Father, I confess I feel defeated in face of tough moments, unforeseen setbacks and unexpected heartache. But now I know I can wait upon You. I can wait in expectation that You will grant me the strength I don’t have. Hold me when I want to faint. And renew my strength to face each moment. In Jesus’s name, amen.

  • What struggles keep you in the revolution of fear?
  • What keeps you from believing He has the flight of rescue waiting for you?
  • What will you do while you wait for God to renew your strength? {eoa}

 Janet Perez Eckles is an international speaker and the author of four books. She has helped thousands conquer fear and bring back joy.

This article originally appeared at

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