Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Have you ever been in a dark place where you felt completely hopeless? Have you felt that your breakthrough would never come?

Whenever we look at the pattern of how God brings about a breakthrough, He sends His people to bring a sign, a word or help. Sometimes a word of encouragement or help given at a crucial moment can become a catalyst for the entire breakthrough process in a person’s life.

World Missions Alliance works in 20 countries that are considered today’s “hot spots.” In each one of them, we encounter very desperate people who are on the verge of perishing both physically and spiritually, and God opens an opportunity to transform their lives.

Here is just one of many incredible stories

A Chinese woman was ready to commit a suicide. In search of happiness, she pursued education, marriage, a child and financial success, but nothing filled her empty heart. Her depression only grew deeper. She did not want her little boy to grow up in a world without love. She made the decision to take his life and then her own. Before she could, she was given her very first Bible. It saved her and her son’s life both physically and spiritually.

If you need a breakthrough in your life, start by being a breakthrough in someone else’s. The law of God’s harvest will bring the fruit you desire equal to the seeds that you sow. Are you desperate to reap the harvest? All you need is a good seed and fertile soil.

Click here to find out more.


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