Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Watch Me Tomorrow at Liberty University Talk About ‘God and Donald Trump’

Thanks to all of you who have bought my new book, God and Donald Trump. I hope you found it a good read and that it shed light on the spiritual aspects of Trump’s miraculous election victory in 2016.

I’ve been busy doing media interviews. On Friday, I will speak at a program at Liberty University’s huge convocation, an event that also features Corey Lewandowski and Dave Bossie, co-authors of a new book titled Let Trump Be Trump. We will talk about the election, the president and our books.

I’m sending this notice so you can watch it tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. EST. Liberty University’s convocation is streamed online here.

C-SPAN will also record the event for a later program.

I also recently had a great interview, which ran in two segments, with Arthelene Rippy on the Christian Television Network in Clearwater, Florida. It’s a homemaking program, but Arthelene (whom I’ve known since the 1970s) is a fan of my book and wanted me on her show. Click here to see the first segment (advance to the 6:46 mark). The second segmentsecond segment can be seen here and starts at the 8:30 mark.

I am pleased to announce that, in only a month after its release, God and Donald Trump made the Top 50 Christian Bestsellers List—at No. 25. This is a first for me, so I am excited. I have published many best-sellers but had never written one.

If you have read and enjoyed the book, please tell your friends and give it a 5-star rating on And remember to watch my speech Friday at Liberty University.

As always, please share this with your social media followers and leave any comments below. {eoa}

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