Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Put Holy Spirit’s Power Into Your Prayer Life

How would your life change if you were able to put power into your prayer life?  What if you could pray for provision, and see God provide; or pray for healing, and see God heal or what if you could pray for your circumstances and see your circumstances change? 

These things are possible when you understand three prayer keys:

Key 1:  The Victory of Jesus

When you understand that even though God’s Son, Jesus, was executed, He rose from the dead, defeating both sin and death. Jesus is not only victorious, He is our victor. When we pray to, with and through Him, he grants us victory. So look at your circumstances through Jesus to see His victory. For example, despite the terrible devastation that Hurricane Harvey spread though South East, Texas, many of the believers interviewed by the media said, “I may have lost my home, but I have my life, I have my family! I am so blessed!”

These folks were not looking at their situation from the perspective of what they’d lost, but the value of what they’d kept. They know that despite their continued hardships, they can trust Jesus to provide. 

Key 2: The Might of Jesus

We sometimes forget how mighty Jesus is. The other day, I lifted up all my many responsibilities before the Lord. In my mind’s eye, it was if I was straining to hold up a million-pound freeway. “Do you really think I can carry this?” I asked.

Suddenly, it was as if I could hear Jesus laughing. I turned and saw He was holding my load with one finger.

Surprised, I asked, “You mean I’m not the one holding this?”

Jesus continued to laugh and shook His head.

I stooped and walked out from under the load. I felt so free!  “Thank you, Jesus, for carrying this load for me!”

Jesus is already carrying the load you are straining beneath. Relax. He’s got it. 

Key 3: The Name of Jesus

And finally, we cannot forget the power in the name of Jesus. Recently I prayed for a couple with pain. I prayed that both the wife’s extreme neck pain and the husband’s deep knee pain would leave. I ended the prayer, “In the mighty name of Jesus because his name is just that powerful.”

Jesus instantly healed their pain,

Sometimes God answers instantly, and sometimes we need to keep praying, as Paul encouraged us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray without ceasing.”

Time to Pray

Try praying with these three power keys in mind:

Dear Lord, not only are You the victor, You are the victory. So when I pray to and through You, I am praying in and from Your victory, because I am praying not in my might, but in Yours. So now, I come to you regarding: (fill in the blank).

I pray for victory in Your might and in the mighty name of Jesus, because His name is just that powerful. {eoa}

Linda Evans Shepherd is a nationally known Christian speaker and a best-selling author of over 30 books. She’s the president of Right to the Heart Ministries, founder of the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) and the founder of Her latest book is Winning Your Daily Spiritual Battles.

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