Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

As Sources Predicted, Trump Will Declare Jerusalem the Capital of Israel—Pray for the City’s Peace

As Christians, we know we are to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love you!” (Ps. 122:6, MEV).

U.S. President Donald Trump will make a historic announcement in Jerusalem on Dec. 6, Mike Evans says. Evans, an evangelical Christian and founding member of the Trump Evangelical Initiative, says President Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Several news sources reported today that Trump told Israeli and Arab leaders he plans to do that on Wednesday. This is gigantic news and constitutes a major, fulfilled promise to both evangelical Christians and to the Jewish community.

Nearly an hour later, CBN News reported that President Trump has informed Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas that the U.S. will move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. CBN’s report said that several news sources quoted an Abbas spokesman, saying Trump made the announcement in a phone call Tuesday. That news has been confirmed by a tweet from the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Some say declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is actually more important than moving the embassy, but it certainly must be a precursor to it. We must help our evangelical friends understand this, especially those who are only focused on the embassy and not thinking about the significance of Jerusalem.

So that you are better informed, take the time to watch Jared Kushner talk about the peace process during his interview at the Saban Forum this past weekend. Paula White-Cain, who prayed at the president’s inauguration, sent me this link and asked me to encourage my readers to watch it because Kushner speaks of the progress being made to bring peace to that part of the world.

Johnnie Moore of the Kairos Group told one reporter this morning who speculated about the announcement that many evangelicals believe “Moving the embassy is of political importance, but naming Jerusalem the capital is even more than that; it is of theological importance to our community.” will report what happens Wednesday as well as when a formal decision to the move the embassy is made. For now, it’s important believers are praying “for the peace of Jerusalem” as these decisions are announced and instituted.

Today, I received an email from Evangelist Alveda King also asking for prayer for this decision. She added: “President Trump is on a record promise-keeping roll. His support for Israel, undergirded by our ‘prayers for the peace of Jerusalem’ are encouraging evidence that God is blessing us.”

Share this and encourage others as we band together to pray for this important announcement Wednesday. {eoa}

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