Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Revelations of Terrorism Prompt Urgent Call to Prayer

Since August of this year, I have been talking to fellow intercessors across the nation. They do not know one another nor have any communication between them, except that they know me. But from several of them I have heard the same prayer burdens, revelations and themes, and I have taken notice, sensing that it is time to share what they are hearing.

Intercessors are needed to stand in the gap on behalf of ministries and nations (Ezek. 22:30). Spending quite a bit of their time in prayer, they are sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit. God shares His secrets with them (Amos 3:7).

My friend, Neil Petersen, of Dayton, Ohio, had been sharing with me a series of dreams and visions he received. He has been praying extensively into these insights from the Holy Spirit, and had asked me if I had received similar direction about our nation. However, I have not. But I firmly believe in praying for our leaders according to 1 Timothy 2:1-6, while Jesus is the mediator between God and humankind, and that we are to be submitted to our national leaders (Rom. 13:1-7). As a veteran, I am a patriot of our country and pray for it often.

However, when a friend at Regent University, Angelia Jones, told me similar revelations she has received over the last several months, I knew the Spirit was directing me to write about these things. Even though I have not heard from Him personally on these matters, He gave me this information through my friends who have no connection to one another, and I am to be faithful in writing and calling people to pray.

Neil had a numerous dreams and visions related to a potential terrorist attack. Here’s what he says about these revelations:

On June 29th, 2017 I woke up in the early hours of the morning when it was still dark to the Holy Spirit who spoke very clearly “December 7.” It wasn’t a dream, but rather a clear voice as if someone spoke right into my ear while I was sleeping that jolted me awake. I snapped to perfect consciousness from a deep sleep and Dec. 7 was impressed into my spirit with a longing to intercede for America as I sensed danger. This was not a danger for my personal well-being or family, but something much greater. I began interceding supernaturally against terror attacks and other weapons of mass destruction.

Subsequently, December 7th repeated over and over in dreams, visions and impressions for the next several months, always accompanied by the same feeling of danger. Several months later the Holy Spirit spoke to me exactly as He did the first time, but this time I heard “one twenty-seven”, the same numbers that would make up 12/7. I could be in the middle of work and “December 7” would suddenly surface in my thoughts accompanied by that same overarching foreshadowing of things to come. During this time, the Lord began showing me dreams of military operations of large-scale battles, including mass bombings, and even nuclear explosions. In most of these dreams, there were large number of troops sleeping during the battles, it was during the day and uncharacteristic of what should have been taking place amongst the chaotic battlefields.

I would wake up with the supernatural understanding that the troops were always a representation of the church, asleep to the greater call to pray and intercede for our nation.

The year of 12/7 has not been revealed, but clearly the Lord is sounding the alarm for the church to pray for what is to come.

Angelia shared her visions with me saying, that she woke up from a dream where she saw a great outpouring of the Spirit. She was with a group of Christians in her dream, which represents the community of faith. While the group was celebrating and rejoicing in the Lord, she saw an Arabic child who was alone. He was not participating with the group because no one had reached out to him. I think this reveals the need for the church to reach out to foreigners and include them in our ministries.

While celebrating with the group in the dream, Angelia stated that an emergency newsflash on the television stated that a large-scale terrorist attack had taken place on American soil. This was like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Angelia said she started to sob in the dream, and the Spirit revealed to her that the boy represented the growing and seething anger that is brewing within foreigners within our nation who are alone, which the Church is not reaching. This anger is pulling them toward extremist views which may then manifest into terrorist acts.

Then, her dream shifted to seeing the boy as a teenager, trying to fit in with people his age, but he was still not invited to join the church. His views and beliefs were being radicalized as the loneliness turned into anger. The Spirit said, “December,” to her, to watch and pray against terrorist acts on U.S. soil. Again, the year was not mentioned, but the emphasis was that the church needs to reach the foreigner before it’s too late.

My friend also had the Holy Spirit highlight how the church must include veterans in ministry. Veterans can still serve and protect our nation and are a vital resource. They are to be included but many feel forgotten. They are to be made whole and help protect our nation from internal attacks and be part of protecting the borders. But veterans can also be made whole in serving and reaching foreigners for Christ within our country.

This is a call to prayer. To not only pray against terrorist acts, but also for the church to reach refugees and foreigners with the gospel in the power of the Spirit. Healing and wholeness will come to veterans who have fought overseas when the church prays for them and includes them in ministering and protecting us once again.

Intercessors need to arise and pray for the plans of the evil one to be thwarted, and the church is to reach people with the power of the gospel. Prayer warriors are to pray for the safety and protection of our nation. Any potential terrorist attack can be averted when the church prays and fasts while bringing healing and wholeness to foreigners and veterans. By doing this, a revival will take place in our nation. {eoa}

Jared Laskey is founder and senior pastor of Destiny Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He lives to see Jesus awaken this generation to the power of the Holy Spirit. You can follow him on twitter @jaredalaskey or purchase his co-authored book Veronica’s Hero and check out Fireborn Ministries.

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