Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How Dr. James Dobson’s Endorsement Helped Elect Donald Trump

Dr. James Dobson is one of the best known and most revered leaders in the Christian community. My wife and I drew upon his wisdom from a couple of his books on raising children when our sons were young.

I had the privilege of being a guest on his “Family Talk” radio show a few days ago to discuss my new book, God and Donald Trump. There is quite a bit about Dr. Dobson in the book, because he was influential during the election.

In fact, there was a pivotal meeting in June 2016, attended by 1,000 pastors. Dobson’s role in the meeting and subsequent endorsement of Trump did a lot to persuade the evangelical community that they could overlook Trump’s imperfections and vote for him, partly because Hillary Clinton was such a horrendous alternate choice.

Another factor in their change of heart came as they got to know Trump. They found out he values religious liberty and other issues that are important to Christians. Also, he surrounds himself with Christian leaders like Dr. Dobson.

We talked about all of these things in the interview, which “Family Talk” is touting as “God’s Hand on America: Is God Using President Trump?” The two-part interview airs on consecutive days—today and Tuesday, Nov. 14. Click on this link for today’s broadcast; the link to Part 2 will go live on Tuesday, and you can click here to find it then.

You can also listen to the programs through multiple media outlets, including the Family Talk App, a podcast or a local station. A list of local stations is on the Family Talk website: at

Dr. Dobson is an excellent interviewer. Visiting his headquarters and interacting with him and his staff proved to be a wonderful experience—one I will always remember.

God and Donald Trump released last Tuesday, Nov. 7. We are encouraged by the early response. It has really been fun to participate in a media tour to promote the book. It is a new experience for me, since this is the first major book I have ever written.

I encourage you to buy a copy at either your local bookstore or online at or Please visit the website to download a free chapter.

As always, please share this with your social media followers and leave your comments below. I would really like to hear what you think of the book. {eoa}

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