Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

What Conservative Christians Don’t Understand About the 2016 Election

In his latest New York Times best-seller The Paradigm, Jonathan Cahn writes on an important lesson we can learn from the 2016 election, incorporating biblical history as a prophetic reference.

In a chapter entitled ‘The Holy Man,’ Cahn writes on the biblical leader Jehu, whom others hoped would be an instrument for national redemption. In a time when the nation seemed to be sealed in its spiritual descent, Jehu was approached in the same way that evangelical leaders approached Donald Trump.

Jehonadab, a leader of those who would today be called conservatives, sought to determine if Jehu was truly committed to the ways of God.

Cahn writes on how Jehonadab was “deeply grieved by the idolatry and immorality that surrounded him, the cult of Baal, and the overall spiritual and moral decay of the culture in which he lived.” He continues to write, “As a man of God living in the midst of apostasy, he would have been praying for his nation’s revival. He would have hoped that in Jehu was a chance to stop or slow Israel’s spiritual descent and perhaps even help turn the nation back to God.”

Similarly, conservative evangelicals looked to Trump to lead America back to its Christian values. A month prior to his nomination as the Republican candidate, Trump made a speech to a meeting of conservative Christian leaders that made headlines with: “Donald Trump Swears to Christian Leaders, ‘I’m So On Your Side.'”

His support for the people of God proved he was the better option next to Hillary Clinton. As Cahn writes, the former first lady “represented the furthering of America’s moral descent and the consigning of the nation to perpetuate apostasy.” In the same way, Jehonadab had to choose between Jehu or the culture’s idolatrous ways.

However, Cahn also draws on what the Bible says after this man of God is in power: “Though he had done right in bringing the evil of Ahab’s house to an end, his reformation was imperfect. It only went halfway.”

Cahn cites 2 Kings 10:31, which contains a rebuke: “But Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart. He did not turn aside from the sins of Jeroboam, who caused Israel to sin.”

Jehu led the nation away from worshipping Baal; however, he put other idols in place.

Cahn asserts that although Trump could rise above Jehu’s example, it is “possible that he could do worse than Jehu.” The Paradigm then poses the question: What does this mean for America?

Referring to the example of ancient Israel, Cahn writes on how Jehu’s reign meant a reprieve from the nation’s downward course, giving its people a chance to return to God. Through this, The Paradigm teaches readers how the 2016 election was actually not about Donald Trump, but “about something higher, the purposes of God, the purpose of a reprieve.”

As the Bible shows, a reprieve occurs shortly before a nation’s judgment and allows the people a space to turn back to God. Cahn urges readers to recognize this reality: “The window is temporary. We must not waste it. Without revival there can be no hope.”

The Paradigm reveals something that not many conservative Christians understand: “A political problem cannot solve a spiritual problem.”

It will not simply take an election, a man, a party or a political agenda to turn a nation away from sin. Cahn affirms, “The only way America can be great again is for America to return to the God who made America great in the first place. The answer is in repentance, return and revival.”

The Paradigm, a New-York-Times bestseller refers to an ancient blueprint that reveals secrets to modern-day events. In his signature descriptive and precise writing, Cahn exposes shocking parallels between ancient Middle Eastern palaces and the White House, biblical leaders and today’s political figures, scandals from 3,000 years ago and the current controversies on American soil. The Paradigm was released on Sept. 19, 2017 and is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House. Learn more at

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