Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Ex-New Age Expert Drops Major Truth Bomb About Oct. 31

With October 31 rapidly approaching, many churches are preparing for fall festivals and trunk or treats, tried-and-true Christianized methods for celebrating Halloween.

But this puts a burr in the saddle of New Age expert-turned-believer Steven Bancarz. The end of the month is about much more than a holiday with pagan roots, especially for those who claim Jesus as Lord.

In a Facebook post, he writes:

The only reason we aren’t all Roman Catholic, the only reason we are allowed to actually read Bibles and keep them in our homes without putting our lives at risk, the reason we are able to worship Jesus in a way that is separated from government, the only reasons we have freedom to voice our disagreements with church authorities, the only reason we have pastors and not priests, the only reason we aren’t being burned at the stake or exiled for sharing the true Biblical Gospel is because of the Protestant Reformation that happened 500 years ago on October 31.

We owe a HUGE thank you to people like Luther, Tyndale, Calvin, Zwingli, Hus and other people who put their lives on the line to preserve God’s word. Praise God that we had people willing to do that to bring us back to a pure form of Christianity. I am learning a little bit about this lately and am fascinated not only with the history but the theological convictions of those who opened the floodgates of every denomination besides the Roman Catholic church.

It concerns me and saddens me that the vast majority of Western churches will do far more to celebrate Halloween, a Satanic holiday rooted in witchcraft, than celebrate the 500th year anniversary one of the greatest moves of God in human history and the freedom in Christ that it has brought us.

PLEASE do not forget about the reformation this Halloween! I am going to make a post a day on something regarding the reformation for every day until the end of this month so that those who love Christ can hear about the wonderful history and move of God that brought Christianity back to the Bible.

Do you agree? Sound off below!

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