Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Turning Health Care Into an Opportunity to Teach Your Kids God’s Word

Good parents often find teachable moments in the most unusual of places.

Such is the case when members of Samaritan Ministries International (, one of the leading health-care sharing ministries in America, find ways to teach their children about the biblical community of Galatians 6:2: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

As an example, Samaritan Ministries recently received a letter from a young boy named Timothy, who wrote the following in his own grade-school penmanship:

Dear Samaritan Ministries,

Thank you for giving so many people my address. I liked getting so many cards. They are so special to me. I like that so many people are praying for me. Thank you everybody for paying for my therapy and hospital bills after I had my concussion. I am feeling much better.

“It’s such a blessing to our Samaritan staff when our members tell us how health care sharing through Samaritan has made an impact on their own lives and families,” said Anthony Hopp, Samaritan Ministries’ vice president of external relations. “And it’s wonderful that families are getting their kids involved and teaching them what true biblical community looks like—not only in how they receive generous gifts and prayers from fellow believers, but also regarding how they can give back as well.”

Timothy’s mother also told how much the prayers and financial support of fellow Samaritan members has meant to her family.

“My son enjoys each card so much,” she wrote. “It has made a not-so-pleasant experience—a concussion—into a more positive situation. He looks forward to opening the mail each day and exclaims daily, ‘I love these cards! These people are so nice!!’ May God continue to bless this ministry!”

Jennifer in Ohio told how other children made an impact on her son.

“We love Samaritan Ministries!” Jennifer wrote. “A little Christian school in Ketchikan, Alaska, has an amazing teacher! She had her class write (our son) Titus letters that she sent in with her share. They each wrote adorable notes and asked him to be their pen pal! He’s thrilled. One young fifth-grader wrote Titus a four-page letter explaining the gospel! It’s amazing to know that people all over the country are praying for our kiddo.”

Samaritan Ministries recently announced a new way to join this household-to-household, non-insurance health care sharing ministry—Samaritan Basic. Under Samaritan Basic, monthly shares vary according to age and household size and start as low as $100 for a single, $200 for a couple and $250 for a family of any size. Those who are interested in Samaritan Basic may contact Samaritan Ministries for details or click here.

Whether participating in Samaritan Basic or Samaritan Classic, all of Samaritan’s 70,000 households (229,000-plus individuals) are part of one biblical community, regardless of their monthly share amount. All members also receive shares directly from other members, along with notes of encouragement and prayers—just like Timothy and his family did. Samaritan members currently share about $25 million each month in medical needs.

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