Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Intercepting the Plans of Darkness: A Prophetic Word to Combat the Enemy’s Divisive Perversion

For days now, it has seemed as if there is a storm of spiritual chatter raging all around us. For those who flow in the prophetic, it can overwhelm and bombard you. The air is thick with gusty winds from the enemy and the groanings of the earth, but something else is looming in the atmosphere that has weighed heavily upon my spirit, and it is the divided waters among the body of Christ.

For days, my heart has been heavy as I see and hear individuals fight for their right to be right, and it is not in the world but among the church. Laden within much of what we are saying is a remnant of truth. Some of us are rebuking the things around us without understanding the need for repentance. Some are calling forth judgment without the compassion and mercy of the Lord. Some are refusing to intercede, telling others to repent while refusing to repent themselves. We have this way in the church where we personally exempt ourselves in the matters of correction and repentance, believing it is for everyone else. Take note: Individuals in the Word of God demonstrate the contrary.

If we are not busy disagreeing about repentance, praying and resisting demonic attacks, then we are diligently creating more attacks against each other with the bondage of religion and tradition. We are fighting to be right instead of righteous before the Lord. We are fighting one another instead of bonding together to fight the good fight of faith.

I am telling you, I have been weeping and interceding over the church and our nation for days. I have resisted the attacks of the enemy, repenting and declaring mercy and forgiveness before the Lord. I desire for the body of Christ to walk in such a manner that is honoring and pleasing to God. But we cannot advance until we are in one accord and in submission to the head, Jesus Christ.

Interception Through Unity

As I was praying a few days ago, I heard the word “interception” in my spirit. To intercept means, “to obstruct so as to prevent them from continuing to a destination.” I believe this has a twofold meaning. The enemy has been trying to intercept the plans of God through His people. He does not want to see the church walk in the fullness of the Lord, their rightful destination as coheirs with Christ.

The devil perverts order with confusion and unity with division. He understands the power in identity, and he fears the loss of power once we walk in our identity. God is not the author of confusion. Lord, how we need divine understanding right now that repentance, intercession and executing authority over the enemy is balanced and sound doctrine.

The other side of this is the church intercepting the plans of the enemy and not taking the bait of Satan. We intercept the plans of darkness by uniting as a people overflowing in repentance, intercession and the power of God. I am reminded of the words of Jesus as He spoke to the Father in John 17. Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven, and He prayed the High Priestly prayer. These words stand out to me the most,

Holy Father, through Your name keep those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are one. … Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. … I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word, that they may all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You. May they also be one in Us, that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory which You gave Me, that they may be one even as We are one: I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfect in unity, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me (John 17:11,17, 20-23).

I encourage you to read the entire prayer in John 17 and be stirred to operate in unity and the glory of the Lord. The heart of Jesus in this prayer is that we would be perfectly one with Him and the Father. This is why we need the Holy Spirit. It is not only for our sake that we be perfectly one, but it is a testimony to the world of the One who resides within us. Our unity in the trinity testifies to the world that God sent His Son into the world. Demonstrating His glory in unity testifies to the world of Jesus Christ and the love of God.

Be strengthened today to walk in the fullness of the Lord. Let’s intercept the plans of the enemy and foil their destination. May we the church be united perfectly in Christ, and may we display His glory before the world. Let’s embrace the burden to repent, intercede and operate in the authority bestowed upon us by Jesus. {eoa}

Dawn Hill is a Christ-follower and a freelance writer. She writes a blog called “Lovesick Scribe.”

This article originally appeared at

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