Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

R.T. Kendall Details Never-Before-Shared John Paul Jackson Prophecy

R.T. Kendall speaks to Charisma Media employees.

Prolific writer and biblical scholar R.T. Kendall was greatly impacting the kingdom of heaven when his buddy, prophet John Paul Jackson, stopped him with a personal prophecy nearly 30 years ago.

“He said, ‘R.T., you will live to a ripe old age, but if you don’t get in shape physically, you won’t be around to enjoy it,'” Kendall recalls.

“Well, because of his track record with me—he’d been accurate every time—he put the fear of God in me. He said ‘You need to lose weight, you need to exercise, lift weights’ and all that stuff.” 

Now, the 82-year-old Kendall says his weight hovers around 168, he travels the world and would not be able to do so had he not listened to Jackson.

Kendall shared the prophecy with Charisma Media on Friday, where he spoke on his new book, The Presence of God.

Due out this fall, The Presence of God identifies the ways we experience God’s presence in our own lives. In it, Kendall expounds on the three kinds of chastening, or disciplining, that God employs: internal, external and terminal.

He also addresses a question that plagues many who walk by the Spirit: What do I do when I don’t feel God around me? The answer presents itself in Psalm 16:8: “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I will not be moved.”

Not feeling God is an opportunity to please God and walk by faith, like those mentioned in Hebrews 11.

“The truth is that Jesus is always at your right hand, but you may forget that this is true. Because you forget, by faith, you picture him there, and it’s something I’ve done for years.”

Set Him before you, cling to Him even when you don’t feel his conscious presence, and you are pleasing God, Kendall says.

Watch the video to see his full message.

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