Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

3 Toxic Assumptions That Kill Your Relationships

God works His greatest power in and amongst our relationships. Yet personal relationships are often the greatest place of battles that people face.

Relationships can be incredibly challenging, but are worth the investment if we go into them with healthy mindsets. Yet we all have relationships that become incredibly toxic. We look to get away from these relationships because of how much they negatively affect us.

But before you write off the other person as having a whole list of toxic issues, be sure to check the filters you use for relationships. We often carry three hindering assumptions that make us blame everyone else and keep us from moving forward into what is available for us relationally.

Do you carry these hindering assumptions into your relationships?

  1. That you know people’s motives. (You not only know what they did, but you claim to know why they did it.)
  2. Your discernment about other people is 100 percent spot-on. (Too much of what we call discernment is our own brokenness projected onto others.)
  3. That other people can 100 percent satisfy your inner needs. {eoa}

Mark DeJesus has served as an experienced communicator since the 1990s. As a teacher, author, coach and radio host, Mark is deeply passionate about awakening hearts and equipping people towards transformational living. His message involves getting to the core hindrances that contribute to the breakdown of our relationships, our health and our day-to-day peace. He is well-versed on struggles that originate within our thoughts. Through his own personal transformation, Mark is experienced in helping people overcome and live fruitful lives. He is the author of five books and hundreds of teachings. He hosts a weekly radio podcast show called Transformed You and blogs at His writings have been featured on sites like

This article originally appeared at

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