Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Sad Truth About Where Many Christians Turn for Comfort

Are many Christians purposefully inviting disease into their bodies?

Dr. Don Colbert says yes and explains to Jim Bakker why God’s people are consistently running to a counterfeit comforter.

“Many are knowingly inviting disease into their body—every deadly, chronic, inflammatory disease into their body—by choosing the wrong foods,” Dr. Colbert says on The Jim Bakker Show. “And unfortunately, the vast majority of people are choosing the wrong foods on a regular basis. And then they come to me with autoimmune diseases or Type 2 diabetes or heart disease or Alzheimer’s or dementia. It’s amazing how many Christians are signing up for these diseases by choosing the wrong foods, inflammatory foods.”

Watch the video to see what else Dr. Colbert has to say about this tragic epidemic.


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