Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Lou Engle Offers Insight Into 2 Urgent Prophetic Dreams

In 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien, the Nazgul were fallen spirits, lords of death in service to the Dark Lord.

The Coming Women’s Movement

Having recently urged the body of Christ to undertake a critical Esther Fast, we want to share more of why I believe an “Esther Hour” has come to America. Two recent, vivid dreams have put me on high alert. I already shared what happened three years ago in Fredericksburg, Virginia. There, a weighty, corporate vision gripped every person present with the idea of a mass mobilization of possibly a million women to the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

While I still don’t know how that will fully manifest, I feel something has been unveiled in the spirit. The recent Women’s March that followed President Trump’s inauguration, combined with witches being urged to publicly curse the new president and his cabinet, have convinced me that it is only a matter of time until the Lord puts all the chess pieces on the board to reveal a true woman’s movement. The voice and witness of the Deborahs, Esthers, Miriams and Marys will be heard. But it is Esther above all that is being highlighted in this hour, which is why the upcoming Esther Fast is so critical.

The Importance of the Queen

God always has an answer. For every darkness, he has prepared a light. In former days of witchcraft and governmental conspiracy, her name is Esther. Two portraits of her came to our team in recent dreams, and both of them give me great hope.

The first dream was simple, but had a stunning message. In it, a 7-year-old girl was being added to our team. Though she was nationally recognized as a child prodigy at checkers, she was actually about to be revealed as an international chess master. This struck me because seven years ago, we gathered 15,000 intercessors to Houston for a silent prayer march around a massive Planned Parenthood temple of death. At the time, this facility was the second largest abortion operation in the world next to China: six stories, 78,000 square feet, positioned right in the middle of four minority neighborhoods.

After the Houston gathering, we called for a small “Esther March” that saw a handful of women who previously chose abortion make the trek on foot from Houston to Dallas, culminating in the Dallas Esther Call.

God was showing us something in this dream. Chess is a game of strategy and foresight. In other words, you have to be able to think multiple moves into the future to anticipate what your opponent will do.

Also, the single most powerful piece on the chessboard is the queen. This “7-year old girl” is all about that little Esther movement, except now she is grown and ready to take her place on the national and international stage. I believe God has masterfully prepared a confrontation for the last seven years, allowing the climate in America to culminate around the definitions of both Life and Womanhood.

Millions of women were recently given front-row, headline seats to the vision of angry womanhood currently being forced onto our daughters—one laced with profanities and false ideologies. That is the future they would produce. Yet diametrically opposed to this, God has been patiently cultivating a different spirit in the hearts of a generation of noble young ladies who are now ready to add the strength of their voice as queens of righteousness. The strategy of the Lord is to demonstrate to the entire world the difference par excellence of the young women He has prepared for such a time as this.

Breaking the Mindset of Death

The second dream drives this point home even more dramatically. After spending five days in the mountains of Colorado seeking the Lord, I dreamed a dream. It was unexpected. But I saw an Esther Movement, with young girls and women coming from all over to hear the book of Esther being taught by a woman in her thirties. It was like a revival, with great buzz and expectancy all around this outdoor gathering.

I was among only a few men in the middle of the gathering, but I didn’t have my Bible. I was relieved when a prophetic friend gave me his old, beat-up Bible. At that moment, the young, female teacher stood up and proclaimed that there were two certain words in the book of Esther that actually meant “Nazgul.”

I awoke knowing beyond any doubt that this strange dream was from God. Just as I had been given a Bible in the dream, instantly I knew I had received the Word of the Lord to understand its meaning.

In the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, the Nazgul were fallen spirits, lords of death in service to the Dark Lord. In the final battle, the king of the Nazgul faced Eowyn, a shield maiden of Rohan. He did not know who she was because she was dressed in a man’s battle armor with her face hidden. As the only person standing between the Nazgul king and his prey, she was not physically as strong as a man.

The Nazgul king warned her: “No man can kill me.” At that moment, Eowyn removed her helmet. With her long hair flying in the breeze, she took her sword and proclaimed, “I am no man!” And then she drove her sword into the Nazgul king’s skull and killed him. It was dazzling and heroic, but the symbolism is clear. The mindset of death (the skull) that has gripped a generation is about to be pierced by the dignity, courage and strength of a new generation of women.

Esther is not a man, and that’s a good thing. Only the unique qualities of godly women can disrupt the powers of death and seize the present throbbing moment for the final rollback of Roe v. Wade. Eowyn, who longed to fight the great battles of her people, was relegated to traditional roles because she was a woman. Yet when the time came, as a queen positioned rightly on the board, she alone brought down the spirit of death that terrorized the land.

Take Action! Fasting through Purim

America stands at a precipice of identity: national identity; gender identity; missional identity. Will we embrace vitriol and rage? Or will we embrace the beautiful courage that expresses itself through meekness clothed with dignity and strength?

Like Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, I am calling for women across America to follow Esther’s footsteps. This Purim (March 12), as Jews worldwide celebrate God’s deliverance of Israel through Esther’s courage and sacrifice, I am inviting tens of thousands of women to undertake an Esther Fast from March 8-11 leading up to Purim. Take your place in the counsels of the Lord on the stage of history in this hour.

Cry out for mercy, clarity and further revelation for divine strategy in the days ahead. God is marshaling an army of Eowyns who have long felt sidelined by the church. I proclaim, let the queens of righteousness arise. The day of response on the National Mall is coming. But first, I urge you, follow Esther’s footsteps in prayer and fasting. This is the wisdom of the Lord. {eoa}

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