Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Infusing a Large Dose of Holy ‘Roar’ in Your Spiritual Life

Your everyday, behind-the-scenes activity can be a work of God.

I love this new praise; I can’t get this out of my mind. What does it mean for you and me as average men and women trying to walk out our faith in everyday life? It’s easy to understand when you’re standing with a large group of passionate believers shouting praises and singing your heart out to our God. We definitely become the “roar.” But how does that work as you head off to your job on a cold, gloomy Monday morning? How are we the roar when we’re not together?

As I was thinking about this, I felt the nudge of God to contact a lady I knew was going through some challenges and speak life and encouragement to her. Then later in the day, I sent a text checking up on a dear sister in the Lord. As I spoke to people throughout the day, I felt as though God said this is one way we can be part of the roar.

Sometimes we all roar together in song or in prayer. It can be loud and intense, and we not only hear the roar, but we can feel it, and it gives us hope and strength. But that’s not the only way we roar.

The roar can come from life-giving words spoken at just the right moment or when you reach out and help someone financially. My granddaughter babysits to earn money and is learning how to budget and save. But I’ve seen her time and time again offer to babysit as a gift to a young mom who just needs a break. That’s when I hear the roar.

If we are true believers, then we are also prophetic teachers and preachers with healing in our hands.

No, we may not stand before groups of people with a microphone but we teach, preach, and prophesy everyday among our family, our co-workers and the community we’re a part of. We have a choice every day. We can let our own problems, personal issues and hurts stifle us into keeping quiet, or we can get determined and fight back. Depression and anxiety no longer have dominion over us. We have the enabling power of the Holy Spirit to rise above our circumstances. He gives us the power not only to speak into our own lives but also into the lives of hundreds of people if we’ll just do it. It’s time to join the roar.

I want to hear the sound of heaven as the angels praise our God, and I want to be part of that heavenly choir. I may be just one small voice, and you are just one small voice. But when we each choose to open our mouths to glorify God and follow that with action or movement, I believe a sound begins to come not only from heaven but also from earth. It’s the sound of unity and love through Jesus Christ.

There are Christians all over the world. Let’s pray they find their voice and their message. What does it look like? What does it sound like? I’d like to find out! Let’s join together your voice, my voice.

Together—”We are the roar!”

Reprinted with permission from Dustin Smith Ministries: Here Be Lions. Diana Trout, with her husband Tom, has over 30 years of experience pastoring churches. They both serve local churches by traveling as a part of Dustin Smith Ministries, teaching and speaking all over the nation.

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