Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

5 Keys to Hurdle Your Greatest Challenges as a Parent

What parenting hurdles do you need to clear?

Jake was a good kid from a wonderful family. He had two parents who loved him, supported him and spent time with him.

They raised him with morals and consideration for others. Jake was smart, popular, good-looking, a star athlete and wealthy. That’s why it was so shocking when police cars showed up one day to arrest him for setting fire to several public buildings. His parents were blindsided, destroyed and confused.

Sometimes life hits hard, especially when you’re a parent. Have you ever had really tough parenting challenges that have led to major family issues—the type of challenges you really didn’t know if you could handle or bounce back from?

Sometimes it may be you who made the bad choice and now your family is paying for it.

We are all human and always one bad decision away from turmoil. How do you overcome these challenges? How can you and your family bounce back?

Here are 5 ways to overcome your greatest parenting challenges to help you bounce back:

1. Give it to God in prayer. There are some things we can’t understand. We can search for the lesson, ask questions and even ask someone else. Turning to God in prayer will give us peace about it and free us from the burden of fixing something bigger than ourselves.

2. Don’t beat yourself up. “Where did I go wrong?” “How could have I have let this happen?” “I am such a failure!” Stop right there. What’s done is done and mentally beating yourself up will not change what happened.

3. Focus on something good. What good can result? What can you do with what you have right this moment? Turn your energy toward something you control that will have a positive result.

4. Use it to get better. There is opportunity to get better in all situations. Sometimes it is hard to see, but make every effort to learn and grow from the good and bad experiences you have in parenting.

5. Look for the lesson and pass it on. I have learned that when I look at something with the intent of teaching it to someone else, I learn more. Search for the teachable moments so that as you learn, you can teach your kids.

What has been your biggest parenting challenge? {eoa}

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