Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When You Feel Your Needs Outweigh God’s Supply

In His gentle way, He reminds us ...

Several years ago, I was shopping at a one-stop shopping center with my two daughters in tow, both under the age of 4 at the time. Lisa and Angela were chattering up a storm, enjoying the depth of a preschool conversation, while I managed to get them secured in the rickety grocery cart and pushed over to the first stop on our list: the bakery.

As they enthusiastically munched the sprinkles from the top of their doughnuts, we strolled our way down the crowded aisles. My little “shoppers in training” were wide-eyed with excitement, oohing and aahing at everything in their 4-foot-high sight line. I was carefully calculating the cost of each item I dropped unto the basket while also working on damage control. By now, little arms were stretching out wide, releasing Velcro-like fingers that successfully grabbed at this toy and that snack, declaring life just couldn’t go on without it. In aisle after aisle, I listened to squeals of delight and moans of disappointment as they picked up and I put back.

Finally exasperated with me, my oldest daughter, Lisa, the “spokeschild” for the sisters, appealed to my maternal instincts. “Mom,” she pouted, “Don’t you want us to have anything?” I melted. “Of course I do, honey, but Mommy only has enough money for a few things.” Certain my children were intelligent enough to understand the budget, I went on to explain how Daddy worked hard for his earnings and we had to do a good job of being wise stewards. Angela yawned, and Lisa’s eyes glazed over.

Yep, she got it. It was clear as mud. As we continued our shopping non-extravaganza, I could see that Lisa was still thinking about my words. I could almost hear those little wheels turning in her mind, when suddenly she looked up with one last inspiration, “Mom,” she exhaled as she talked, “if we can’t get any stuff now, can we get it when we are fully rich?”

Fully rich! Now there was a concept. My mind instantly went to one of my favorite verses of Scripture. Second Peter 1:3 says that God by “His divine power has given us to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and excellence.” Imagine, everything we need to live this life has already been given to us by our heavenly Father. He is our eternal source who has made us fully rich in Christ.

Still, I have to admit that there have been times when I felt as if my needs were outweighing God’s supply. Of course that’s ridiculous, but feelings aren’t always logical. Then again, I realize my sense of need is exactly what God is looking for. Need drives me to my knees in total dependence on Him. In that posture, I recognize seeking God is part of the process that unlocks the provision He has already made. Because God rewards those who seek Him, need and knees must meet.

Psalm 34:10 tells us, the ones who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing,” and again, “no good thing will He withhold from the one who walks uprightly (Ps. 84:11b). So it is faith that stands in the face of need and declares, “But my God shall supply your every need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). Indeed, He has already made the provision through Jesus Christ. He is just waiting for us to ask Him.

It has been over 35 years now since that shopping day with my daughters. As I reflect on the years since, I realize how God has truly met every need. Oh sure, there may be some “wants” from time to time, but through it all, God has been more than faithful.

Today, my riches go far beyond what I can see and touch. God has blessed me abundantly in my spirit, soul and body. His joy and love, His strength and mercy are priceless.

As His child, I have clamored about many things I think I need. (“Please God, I need this!”) I have even pouted and questioned His goodness. “Don’t you want me to have anything, Father?” But in His gentle way, He reminds me that He is my source who will meet all my needs, and in Him, I am fully rich.

Prayer Power for January 15, 2017

This week, thank the Lord that you are fully rich in Him and that He has already provided all you need. Ask Him to give you the desires of His heart for you so that you can more fully enjoy all He is in your life. Continue to pray for a peaceful and smooth transition as one administration exits and a new one moves into power. Pray for Congress as it addresses upcoming changes. Pray that God would have His way in our country, that our allies would stand firm with us, that the new administration would have divine wisdom to govern accordingly and the nation would once again be united “under God” (Psalm 34:10; Psalm 84:10; 2 Peter 1:10). {eoa}

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