Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophecy: The Lord Is Opening Doors for Kingdom-Minded Businesses

A new path is opening now.

While writing my Greenelines blog early this morning, I stopped to answer an email and was nudged to open a new writing window.

I stopped what I was working on and began to type this fresh word for several readers today. I don’t know for whom, but I believe the specificity of the word will call you out. Your spirit will bear witness.

“As you grow closer to Me, I will draw nearer to your business. If I am Lord of your life, I will be Lord of your business. I long for your business to honor Me as I rain down upon it.

“The increase that I will give you is coming. This season of growth will be like none other you have experienced. New doors will open to a new people. You will think new thoughts and do a fresh work. Others have not done this work. Behold! I give you a new path. You’ve been walking the path I intended for others. This new path is your path.

“Know that I will be with you as you move with the gifts and specific knowledge I have given to you. 

“Do not look to the left or to the right but along the path I will direct. Set your eyes upon Me, and I will do what I have promised.

“Do not try to be like others or join others along their paths. This is a new thing that I intend for you. The path is blessed. Your gifts will be multiplied as you lead others along this way. This is a path of business that I have birthed in you. I will bless others through you as you travel this path. Fear not, for I am saying to you on this day, in this way, that I have prepared hearts and minds to receive you and this new work.

“My words will not surprise you today. Lead the people I have given to you with this fresh anointing. I am in this work. I will bless many through you. This is the word of the Lord.”

God bless you as you draw nearer to Him. {eoa}

Dr. Steve Greene is the publisher and executive vice president–Media Group, Charisma Media. Sign up here for Dr. Greene’s leadership e-newsletter.

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