Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It’s Time to Pray—These 3 Ministries Need Your Help to Get the Word Out

Pray on flag

When the pundits analyze why Donald Trump won the presidential election, there’s one reason they don’t cite: God answers prayer.

Many ministries focused prayer on the results of the election. Though many Christians were hesitant to vote for either candidate, most evangelical believers realized one of the two would be elected. A vote for Hillary Clinton was almost certain to lead the nation toward a continued spiritual downward spiral, beginning with appointing liberal Supreme Court justices. At least Donald Trump promised to protect religious liberty and appoint conservative Supreme Court justices.

I just finished my January column in Charisma in which I wrote: “Let’s thank God for our new president and pray for a shift in the direction of this nation.”

I believe God allowed a shift to happen in 1980 when Ronald Reagan was elected. But it seemed as though Christians became complacent. This time we must be diligent. If anything, there’s only a window of time to make changes. Having the right leaders is part of it. But we can’t expect someone like Donald Trump to make the changes by himself. He needs help, and he needs prayer.

We must stand with President-elect Trump and support him, believing that this is an answer to prayer and a moment in which God sovereignly intervened in the direction of our country. We must continue to pray!

As we’ve reported on, here are three prayer initiatives you can participate in:

Cindy Jacobs

Cindy Jacobs of Generals International is encouraging believers to pray about specific election-related milestones. She highlights four key dates: Dec. 13, Dec. 19, Dec. 28 and Jan. 6. These are crucial days for the Electoral College, and Cindy believes the Electoral College requires strong intercession this season. She also urges believers to pray against ongoing recount efforts.

Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel established a 24/7 prayer conference call that will run until Jan. 19, the day before Trump’s inauguration. The conference call can be reached at 712-770-4340, using the code 543555#. The intercession is focused on lifting up the nation and specifically Donald Trump.

Mary Colbert

Mary Colbert became one of the earliest voices urging believers to pray for Trump, and that has not diminished since his election. Her pre-election prayer conference calls reached 100,000 people and frequently had to turn away listeners since conference calls were too full. To bring as many people together in prayer as possible, Colbert has set up a new system of local, spiritually vetted leaders who are running conference calls in their community. There are already 25 of these new hosts, called Nation Builders, setting up prayer calls, and the number continues to grow. The calls emphasize praying for those in leadership, whether here in America or abroad. To find a Nation Builders prayer call near you, visit and sign up for her newsletter.

Pastor Frank Amedia from Ohio started a prayer initiative before the first presidential debate. We published an article about it barely 24 hours before the debate, and it was shared more than 44,000 times! Readers have continued to share it—I just checked the article, and it’s now up to 307,000 shares. That’s an incredible indication of how American Christians are being motivated to pray. I believe the Holy Spirit is leading this initiative. So share this email with others who have a heart to pray and let’s get a mighty army of prayer warriors to storm heaven for our nation and the new president.

Second Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (MEV). America is in great need of a turn toward God. What would happen if several million people suddenly turned their lives over to the Lord? Wouldn’t that show an enormous shift? It would be despite the modern culture and mainstream media, which are anything but godly.

I urge you to pray—if not with one of these ministries, then by yourself—and let’s see God answer our prayers and heal our land. {eoa}

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