Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Trump’s Prophesied Victory Nothing Short of a Modern-Day Miracle for the Nation

More than ever, Donald Trump now needs our support and prayers.

Someone asked me why I flew up for the Donald Trump Victory Rally in New York City on election evening when all of the polls and the pundits were saying he would lose. I did so because I knew several credible leaders with a prophetic gift had prophesied he would win. I believed the prophets instead of the pollsters.  

We did podcasts and published articles both in print and online by people such as Frank Amedia, Lance Wallnau, Rick Joyner and Chuck Pierce saying they believed that Trump would win. In fact, Pierce prophesied it several years ago. Both Amedia and Wallnau prophesied it around the time that he announced he would run for election a year and a half ago.  

It’s an absolute modern-day miracle that Donald Trump, who never served in the military and never held an elected office, was elected over 17 very qualified opponents in the Republican Primary and beat the Clinton machine. Clearly, something is happening spiritually. As I’ve written before, I believe that God is answering our prayer by raising up this leader. Wallnau said he’s like Cyrus, an unbelieving king God used to rescue His people.   

Even the secular media is paying attention. Today, USA Today ran a story about the prophets quoting the same people I mention, and even quoting one of our stories.  

This is not a matter of who is right or wrong in predicting the election. In a two-way race, there is a 50/50 chance that you will get the right answer no matter who you pick. Rather, God revealed to His servants who are listening that He was going to raise up someone entirely out of the system.

I’ll admit that I did not recognize early what God was doing. In fact, I met with some other evangelical leaders who were very interested in finding a candidate who supported our values. No one in that small group backed Donald Trump. But before the election was over, all of them backed him, and 81 percent of evangelicals are said to have voted for him. This is the largest percentage of the so-called evangelical vote than any recent Republican has ever received.  

Meanwhile, there were loud evangelical voices saying not to vote for Trump. In fact, one Christian magazine even suggested that he step down from the race after the Access Hollywood tapes revealed that he said some very lewd things about women 11 years ago. Of course, he apologized and said that he regretted saying it, and that it did not represent how he feels today.

But people appearing to be self-righteous said no Christian should support someone with the moral issues that Donald Trump has in his background. I did not hear a lot of criticism from these same people for Hillary Clinton and the things that were revealed by WikiLeaks about things that she had done, including visiting Orgy Island, which was not reported widely in the press.

It makes you wonder how much clout these evangelical leaders have when their followers voted for Trump anyway.    

As I was leaving the ballroom at the New York Hilton around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, there were media everywhere stopping passersby, shoving a mic in their face and asking questions. One Fox reporter from Chicago asked me how I felt about the election. I told him I was ecstatic and it was an answer to prayer. As I left, he told me off camera that he was a Christian too and he was glad to run interviews that mentioned the Lord.

I believe that this election cannot be explained in normal political terms, but instead has a spiritual aspect that most do not recognize. I believe God is making a shift in our country and that He kept Hillary Clinton and her corruption from plunging our nation even further into a downward spiral.  

Donald Trump cannot turn things around himself. It remains to be seen if he makes good on all the commitments he made to the nation and to the Christian leaders with whom he met numerous times before the election. He needs our support and he needs our prayers. 

As I reported earlier, President-elect Trump’s acceptance speech Wednesday morning was very conciliatory. He did not boast or repeat a lot of his campaign rhetoric. Instead, he reached out even to those who opposed him and promised to be everyone’s president. We must stand with him and support him, believing that this is an answer to prayer and a moment in which God sovereignly intervened in the direction of our country. {eoa}

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