Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

ORU’s Top-Ranked Online Counseling Degree

Oral Roberts University (ORU) is top of the line when it comes to training Christians in faith-based counseling and treatment. recently ranked ORU’s Christian Caregiving and Counseling degree as the second-best online degree program of its type in the country. The ranking methodology examined academic strengths, learning goals, course offerings and virtual classroom experience for online students. credits ORU for offering classes in both theology and psychology. The university also is recognized for teaching students how to influence a professional counseling session with Christian teachings and principles.

Providing the tools to heal the mind and spirit is part of ORU’s Whole Person Education. ORU Online offers a transformative approach in online learning to equip students to be Spirit-empowered lay counselors, pastors and teachers.

“At ORU, they give you the tools to educate the mind and educate the spirit,” said Virgie Brown, a student in the online program. “I wanted to study caregiving and counseling to help other people, but it has benefited me too.”

Class schedules are flexible with several start dates throughout the year. Students take the courses taught by the world’s leading Spirit-empowered faculty over seven-week terms. Part-time students take one course per term while full-timers take two courses per term. Classes are interactive and easy to use online. An adviser will be assigned to guide each student through registration, financial aid and course selection. Those courses include psychology, counseling, research, ethics, hermeneutics and biblical literature, along with a counseling practicum. Students graduate prepared for graduate school in psychology or to pursue licensed professional counseling.

Those interested in learning more about ORU’s highly ranked online Christian Caregiving and Counseling program can visit or call 918-495-6363 for more information.



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