Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How You Can Take Back What the Enemy Has Stolen From You

Fight the devil for what is yours. This is your time of restoration.

We are in a season of great restoration right now. It is the heart of God to bring restoration to our lives and those around us. This is why Jesus came.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Jesus came to to give us life to the full. When God restores, He does not do anything halfway. God is holistic in His view, wanting to bring forth a fullness of His glory in our lives. As we get our devotion, thoughts and speech in alignment with His truth, we begin to see the manifestation of His promises in our lives.

The children of Israel were in the desert 40 years, wandering in circles because of their unbelief (Num. 32:13). In that time, God miraculously provided for them with manna from heaven and made their clothing “everlasting,” and their feet didn’t swell. That generation, that came out of Egypt, did not see the promise land because they did not cross over at the time God intended. Only Joshua and Caleb where able to cross into the promise land after that 40 years because they had believed God.

God knows that when we cross over into our Canaan, the promise land, we will thrive and not just survive.  Living off manna for good for the season that they had to travel from Egypt to Canaan, but not for the next 40 years.  God was faithful to provide but it was not His best and perfect will. 

The day after the Passover, they ate of the produce of the land, unleavened bread, and roasted grain” (Josh. 5:11).

The day after the children of Israel ate of the food of the promise land, the manna ceased. Now they were living in a place of breakthrough because they had crossed over into the place of God’s intention, establishment, promise and blessing.

Recently the Lord spoke the words to me, “Pursue and Overtake!” After a minute, I realized this was from the story of David where he inquired of the Lord to know what to do. God told him to pursue and he would surely overtake the enemy, reclaiming all that was lost. Too many times the body of Christ is in “retreat mode” in reaction to the enemy, but we need to be in a “pursue and overtake” mode, plundering his camp. Instead of living with a mindset of “self-preservation,” we should be “invading territory.” It is a completely different way of thinking.

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38).

Jesus was always taking territory. God calls us to invade and have an impact. We don’t need to wait around for something to happen, then “react” to it. Rather, our actions should be making the enemy react to us. We are in a battle to see people restored to the Father, restored in their lives and made whole in the presence of Jesus.

Be intentional about all that you do. Know that Jesus has given you purpose, power, authority and influence in the Holy Spirit to see lives changed. Expand the horizons of the possibilities in what God can do through you. He has no limitations and intends to overflow our lives with His life-changing presence. {eoa}

John Belt helps people discover abundant life in God’s presence through intimacy and breakthrough. Along with his wife, Brandi, he is co-founder of Overflow Global Ministries and travels itinerantly through speaking and worship in the U.S. and abroad. John has produced over 30 instrumental and worship albums that create an atmosphere for encounters with heaven and can be found around the world in places such as Bethel Redding, 24/7 Burns, Catch the Fire Toronto, XPMedia, International Houses of Prayer and people’s living rooms. He the author of Overflowing in His Presence, released in 2016.

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