Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

In the Midst of a Perverse Culture, Your Teen Needs This Daily Discipline

Your faith can have more influence then the loud clamoring voices of peer pressure and culture shouting at your teenager.

School is starting soon, and I’m looking forward to routine. One of those routines I love is having a morning devotional time with our teens. I love reading the Bible and great Christian books together. Why? Because just like me, my teens need a little bit of Jesus every day.

One book I’m looking forward to reading with my teens is, Jesus Today: Experience Hope Through His Presence by Sarah Young (the teen version releases in October). If the name sounds familiar, Sarah is the author of the popular book Jesus Calling. I love resources like this that include wonderful Scriptures and give teens insight into a relationship with Jesus.

So why do teens need a little Jesus every day?

Teens need a mentor to model their life after. There is no one better for a teen to model their life after than Jesus. As they read about Jesus every day, they will learn what it means to be compassionate yet bold. They’ll see how relationship with Him, not religious pursuits, should be the focus of our lives.

Teens need hope, and hope is fully anchored in Jesus Christ. As Sarah writes in Jesus Today, “The more you put your hope in Me, the more My Love-Light shines upon you—brightening your day. Remember that I am with you continually and I Myself am your Hope!” This world doesn’t have much in the way of hope to offer, but Jesus does!

Teens need a purpose. According to this world, teens find worth when they look great, have exceptional talents, wear the right clothes and drive the right cars. The world gives approval based on outward appearance, instead of inward characteristics. Not so with Jesus! Jesus showed that our life’s purpose isn’t what we get, but what we give. As they read Jesus’ words they will understand more and more why they matter in this world.

Teens need truth, and Jesus is the truth. Every day kids encounter many things that make them question what truth is. Only when they spend time in God’s Word and learning about Jesus will they discover truth. The more truth they have, the more they will be able to see the lies this world dishes out. Jesus is the standard that all truth is based upon.

Teens need to be reminded that God is in control. There is a lot of scary stuff happening in this world, especially violence and racial tensions. Teens are often scared and feel powerless to change things. And when they see the world out of control they often forget that God is still in control. Daily times of Bible study and devotional reading reminds teens the truth of John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.” When a teen reads a truth like that, they understand they can give their fears and worries to God knowing that He is in control and watching over them continually.

One of the best things about reading books like this with my teens is that I absorb it all too. Just like my teens, I need hope, purpose, truth, direction and trust as I look to Jesus Christ!

Tricia Goyer has written more than 35 books, including both novels that delight and entertain readers and nonfiction titles that offer encouragement and hope. She has also published more than 500 articles in national publications such as Guideposts, Thriving Family, Proverbs 31 and HomeLife Magazine.

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