Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Prophetic Power of Seed Faith

There's much to learn spiritually about seeding and harvesting.

I am a city boy. I have lived in the city most of my life.

But since moving into our new house in Redding, California, I have had to learn a few things about gardening, farming, fertilizers, soil and seeds. There’s much to learn spiritually about the process of seeding and harvesting.

The Lord began to speak to me about the inherent power of seed faith.

There are a few dry patches in my backyard that needed some work. I went to Lowe’s and got a pack of Scotts EZSeed Patch and Repair. According to the instructions on the back, the three steps to success are:

1. Prep. Prepare the area where you want to grow grass by removing dead grass and loosening the hard soil to help the tiny seedling root.

The first important step to the process of faith is preparation. You have got to prepare the ground so that your seed is best positioned for optimum growth. It is vital to prepare the soil of your heart by pulling out the weeds and removing dead belief systems. I was also told to get a container of Round Up to kill the roots of the weeds. 

What lies are you believing? Get rid of the roots of deception and lies that don’t line up with the Word of God and what God says about you and the situations you are believing God for. In the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3-23, the sower who receives a 30-, 60- or a 100-fold harvest is the one who hears and understands the Word and will of God, not letting deception, worry and anxiety choke up the life of the seed.

2. Apply. Evenly apply the seeds so the area is mostly covered, but bare ground is still visible so that the seeds contact the soil. 

The next step is to apply and plant the seeds into the soil. When I was a seminary student at Oral Roberts University, Oral used to teach us the three principles of seed faith. First, recognize that God is your source. Second, sow and target your seed at your need. And lastly, after you have done everything, expect a miracle.

Believe and declare that God is your source—not men, not Wall Street, not your ability or inability. Declare that He is a good Father who knows how and when to provide. Next, target your seed at your need. The seed needs to contact the soil. What seeds are you sowing and what specifically are you believing God for? Just as an example, when I sow seeds of finances (it could be seeds of time, acts of service and kindness, and so on), I target the seeds at a specific need, such as bills and expenses, good health or favor at work. Believe God to work powerfully on your behalf.

3. Water. A deep and thorough watering is the key to success.

A good farmer not only knows how to prepare the soil and apply the seed, but he also knows the importance of knowing where he has planted and to keep watering the seeds. 

You don’t sow a seed and then forget about it. A lot of people start off well by sowing seeds of faith, only to have the seeds to die because of negligence and lack of intentionality. If you don’t know where you have sown, how would you know where and when to harvest? Water your seeds by consistently speaking and declaring life to your seeds, expecting to see them grow and ultimately to reap a harvest. Speak the word of God over your needs and unique circumstances.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21, MEV).

In the process of faith, we are responsible for these three steps: prepare the soil, apply the seed and water the seed. Once we have done that, we simply need to trust in God’s wisdom and goodness. God is responsible for the timing and the harvest. He is a good Father, and He only has what is best for us. God is actively watching over His Word to perform it (Jer. 1:12). 

“And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not give up” (Gal. 6:9, MEV).

Trust the process and have faith in the one who promised. May you experience His manifold goodness and kindness! {eoa}

Founder of 7K, Cornelius Quek is originally from Singapore, born into a Buddhist family. Cornelius is passionate about speaking to, equipping and mentoring contemporary leaders and culture-makers who know their God and do mighty exploits in every sphere of society. He has 20 years of leadership and ministry experience in more than 20 countries in Asia, Australia, America and Europe. Cornelius’ ministry is marked by sound biblical teaching, the presence of God, healing and supernatural provision. He and his wife, Tiffany, are ordained by Bethel Church in Redding, California, where they serve as Connect Pastors. Cornelius also teaches the Bible at church as well as the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

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