Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

You Have the Authority, Now Speak to Your Health Mountain

God has given you heavenly authority over your health.

God charges us with the responsibility of speaking faith-filled words to any obstacles standing in the way of our health and commanding them into the sea:

“For truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you will have them. And when you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven may also forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your sins” (Mark 11:23–26).

God told us to speak to the mountain. He has given us authority; now we must stand up and make a move. How? Remove any encumbrances in your life by repenting of any sins you may have committed and verbally forgiving those you need to release, and then go to work.

God certainly gives miraculous promises for emergency measures, but He wants us to grow into victorious beings by using all the tools He has put at our disposal. Speaking to your “mountain” can make a powerful difference between whether you are well or sick.

Jesus took all our suffering—past, present, and future—so we could come to Him, receive what He has given us and be made free when obstructive mountains rise up in front of us. In the face of any obstacle in life we are more than conquerors in Christ. Use your voice to command your body and its cellular programming—from your DNA to your genetics and all your created parts—to release its mountains and come in line with Scripture and be free:

“Therefore if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

When I demonstrate this technique to others, I speak boldly to the particular mountain by naming it and commanding it to be vaporized and cast into the sea. In faith, without doubting, I see it happen in my mind and emotions before I feel it. Then I boldly declare it gone right afterward! There may be time lag involved. Be patient and keep focused on the healthy pattern that is replacing the unhealthy one.

When you speak to your mountain, it is important that you stay focused on the end result, not on the current circumstance. Your mountain may completely disappear, or it may break off in chunks if you forget to name some of its important parts. Sometimes we must speak to several elements to get it all out—emotional baggage, demonic oppression, trauma, accidents or unforgiveness toward yourself or others. If you neglect to speak to all the elements of the mountain, you may experience partial and periodic rumblings from remnants of your obstacle as portions of connected memories and emotions continue to erupt periodically.

You may need to spend some time in prayer to discern what additional elements need to be included in your command. Do some soul-searching. Ask God for wisdom and keep speaking to the obstacle regularly and in different creative ways until it is gone for good. Again, images can be powerful. Put a picture on your wall of how you and your life will be when your mountain is gone.

I conduct this exercise regularly with my clients. It is not difficult to complete an entire therapy session without even using the treatment mode on my computer! This is done simply by coaching my clients to speak to the “mountains” they believe are getting in the way of their health. My clients often become creative, speaking to specific toxins, organs, traumas, unhealthy mind-sets and more.

They sometimes speak to their disease by name. Sometimes as they do this, they immediately feel sensations in their physical bodies.

Others simply feel more relaxed. Lots of yawning occurs, especially when large releases are happening.

My clients often address a provided list of common emotions and trauma/accidents, and we see incredible shifts to the positive when they do. 

When you do this yourself, do not doubt that it is working. It works because God says it does! Again declare that the mountain you spoke to is completely vaporized and gone!

Now remember that we never want to leave a vacuum. We speak life-giving declarations into the vacancy that instantly occurs so no demonic oppression or anything else gets in there. We might say, “I declare this new vacancy that was just made be filled with God’s perfect cellular programming, healthy tissue, perfect immunity, love, peace and faith from His bountiful table,” and so forth.

Again, we are not told in the Bible to instruct God to do the work on our mountains. He has empowered us and our words with that ability. What an honor to see the faith God has in us and how He has made us to be powerful in His might! {eoa}

Excerpted from Healing Words by Sylvia Rogers; published in 2016 by Siloam/Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group. To order the book, click here.

Sylvia Rogers is committed to teaching scriptural healing techniques to help people take more responsibility for their health and partner with their heavenly Father to experience wholeness and lasting wellness. She holds a bachelor of science in nursing and is a certified nutritionist, a natural health consultant and herb specialist, and a national lecturer and teacher for Nature’s Sunshine Products. She is also a certified biofeedback specialist who has assisted her clients in praying biblical promises and principles during biofeedback sessions with eye-opening and astounding results.

Visit for more information regarding her business, mission, offered services, and the fine products that can be used as tools in one’s healing journey or to help others. To purchase Healing Words, click here.

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