Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

This Revelation Will Strengthen Your Spirit

Taste the goodness of the Lord. It's sweeter than apple pie.

Mrs. Smith has actually been the premier apple pie maker in our home. My wife makes the best coconut cream pies in the world from scratch, which is the only way I will have pie. Since I don’t like apple pie, it never bothered me to just let Mrs. Smith handle that area. 

One year, my daughter Megan, then 22, decided that it was time to tackle a new venture … making an apple pie from scratch. She made and rolled out her own pie dough. She cut and peeled the apples. She used all of the right ingredients to make the filling, and she didn’t stop with just throwing it all together (something I would have done). She actually cut little “leaves” out of dough and lined the top. She then coated the top crust with something to make it shiny. The pie was a beautiful work of art. 

When it came out of the oven, her husband, Jared, called me on my phone. I thought he was having a heart attack with all of the sounds he was making. The words he was trying to push out through a mouthful of pie, were, “Dad, you have to taste this pie … it is amazing.” 

They came over later that day and brought the scraps left from her first pie. My wife tried it. “Oh, my goodness,” she exclaimed. “Leonard, you have to taste this pie.”

I don’t like apple pie and she knows it, but now I had been put on the spot. So I took a small taste. Wow … it was really good. My then 1-year-old grandson, Elijah, had already had a piece, and all he could say was “Apple? Apple?” He was obviously hooked. 

A few weeks later, Megan made an apple pie for her brother’s birthday. He was a bit skeptical, but everyone said, “Brian, you have to taste this pie … it is amazing!!”  “Mrs. Smith” has now been replaced with “Taste Megan’s Pie.”

 David, the psalmist, speaks about tasting. But his experience was not apple pie. He had tasted of the Lord. In Psalm 34:8 (MEV) we read, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good …” 

Have you ever heard someone say, “I wanted that so badly I could taste it?” They were expressing a deep desire, so intense, that it took over all of their senses. David’s relationship with the Lord was so intimate that he could taste of His goodness. 

A few Psalms later, David says that it is even possible to “feed on His faithfulness” (Ps. 37:3, ESV Notes). Then in Psalm 119:103 we read that God’s Word is sweet to the taste…even sweeter than honey!!! 

How long has it been since you have tasted of the Lord? When did you last feast on His Word?

We have our “quiet time” too often just to check it off our spiritual checklist in an attempt to somehow convince God to bless us. How disappointed He must be when we run in and out of His presence without taking the time to savor or taste of His goodness! We’re in such a hurry that we fail to feed on His word … and on His faithfulness.

This week in your busy life, schedule some time to taste of the Lord. He has taken the time to prepare a feast for you. He has prepared a banquet of His faithfulness. You can feed or gain strength from it. 

Is life tough? Do you have struggles that weigh you down? Are there burdens that sap your strength? Then taste of the Lord. See that He is good. 

In the same way that a spoon full of honey would give you energy and renewed strength, God’s Word will refresh you spiritually. Come into His presence. By His shed blood, Jesus has already provided your entrance into His throne room. 

As a child of the King, you have the right, opportunity and privilege not only to enter into His presence, but also to linger and abide there. And when you do, you will encounter the Lord … and you will taste of His goodness and feed on His faithfulness. I promise. {eoa}

Prayer Power for the Week of July 3, 2016

This week enter His courts with praise and boldly present your requests. Remember those victimized by floods, tornadoes, wild fires and other natural disasters and pray for those who are part of the search and rescue efforts. Also remember those victimized by recent terrorist attacks.  Pray about the upcoming elections and thank God for His continued protection. Remember those who fought and continue to fight to protect our freedoms. Lift up Israel and the persecuted church and pray for unity in prayer and purpose among believers. Thank God for His mercy and continue to pray that He would pour out His Spirit and bring worldwide revival (Psalm 34:8; Psalm  119:103).

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