Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

New Study Links This Diet to Warding Off Breast Cancer

Mediterranean Diet

Breast cancer patients following the Mediterranean Diet are seeing promising results with no return of cancer over a period of three years. Recently, the case study was presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology, also known as ASCO.

The Mediterranean Diet

Eating the Mediterranean Diet is an excellent way to improve health. The diet consists of eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and fish, and includes olive oil. Individuals include nuts, beans, higher fiber bread as well as whole grains.

The healthy benefits of following this method of eating include decreased heart disease risks, lower levels of bad cholesterol and reduced risks of developing such diseases as Parkinson’s as well as Alzheimer’s. Now, recent studies link the potential health benefit of this diet to the reduction of cancer (specifically breast cancer).

Breast Cancer Lifestyle Risks

One in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime as noted by the BreastCancer website. The danger of breast cancer doubles if a first-degree relative holds a diagnosis, such as a sister, mother, or daughter. Individuals who are overweight also hold higher risks to developing this type of cancer.

The Potential Link in Diet

Medical scientists are searching for links to breast cancer as it relates to dieting. During the Italy study, approximately 200 women who were diagnosed with breast cancer were placed on a Mediterranean Diet. Another group of 100 with the same previous diagnosis followed a normal diet with general advice from a dietitian. The groups of women were followed for three years in this Italian study.

Daily menu planning for group one included four servings of vegetables, three servings of fruit, and one serving of grains per day. Each week, the women added four servings of fish and plenty of olive oil. One alcoholic beverage was permitted each day. Group two followed their normal diet.

Outstanding Results

Although this is study is small, it provides outstanding results. All participants in group one who followed the Mediterranean Diet did not have breast cancer returns over the three-year period. In group two, eleven (11) out of approximately one-hundred (100) suffered from the return of breast cancer. According to Dr. Mayer, lifestyle intervention for breast cancer is of utmost importance.

Other Considerations

In view of lifestyle interventions for breast cancer, additional studies show other concerns. Some researchers feel the weight is more important that following a specific diet. Ongoing and in-depth research is definitely needed in this area as it relates to breast cancer. Long-term studies are needed to provide more detailed information in this area.

Living the Best Life Possible

Living the best life possible is important for the most optimal outcomes in life, including cancer prevention. Eating a healthy diet will bring individuals one step closer to living in greater health. Eliminating a high amount of processed meats and processed foods from the diet is exceedingly essential, along with including the daily elements of the Mediterranean diet to obtain and maintain outstanding health. {eoa}

Don Colbert, M.D., has been board-certified in Family Practice for over 25 years and practices Anti-Aging and Integrative medicine. He is a New York Times best-selling author of books such as The Bible Cure Series, What Would Jesus Eat, Deadly Emotions, What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You, and many more with over 10 million books sold. He is the Medical Director of the Divine Health Wellness Center in Orlando, Florida, where he has treated over 50,000 patients.

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