Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Not Everyone Is Going to Like You, and That’s OK

Not everyone liked Jesus, but he was OK with that.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t used to spend much of my life trying to impress the people around me. Whether in the workplace, my friendships or even at church, I was constantly on guard to try and impress in hopes of finding acceptance.

It feels good to be liked by others, but trying to constantly gain approval by everybody is also a game that will keep you on your toes 24/7.

When it came to group conversations, I was constantly stressing whether or not I had said the right things or made the correct responses. I spent so much of my life trying to gain everyone’s approval. It was draining, time-consuming and always had me living life at the expense of pleasing people regardless of my personal thoughts or ideals. Even as a pastor, you yearn for that approval.

Living for the approval of others will make you a slave to their opinions. Living for the approval of others is a draining process that will never harvest eternal fulfillment. Living for the approval of others is a waste of time.

I’m a people pleaser, and I’ve always had a hard time hearing when someone didn’t like me. Over the last few years, I’ve realized how much of my self-worth was dependent on the affirmation of others, and I knew it was time to make a change.

The reality is, even Jesus had people who didn’t like Him. That’s just the way life is. Not everyone is going to see eye to eye with your way of living.

When we live for the approval of others, well eventually die by their critique. I’m just Jarrid, and I have to be OK with not everybody liking that. My worth is found in the grace of Jesus, and my calling is to glorify God in all I do—this includes striving to be an incredible husband and raising my son to know the love of Christ.

Not everyone is going to like me. Not everyone is going to agree with my theology. Not everyone is going to understand the way I live my life. I’m okay with that.

I’d encourage you to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of life.

We are all children of God, and that is where we find our worth. {eoa}

Jarrid Wilson is a husband, dad, pastor, author and inspirational blogger. His articles have been viewed by tens-of-millions, showcased on some of todays hottest talk shows, and featured on national news stations worldwide. He is a dynamic speaker whose outside-the-box perspectives have gained him national recognition from some of todays most influential Christian leaders and pastors. He is also the author of the book titled, Jesus Swagger.

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