Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

French Doctor and Charismatic Believer Cites Powerful Medical Evidence That Something Happens When You Pray

Laying on hands

One of the basic beliefs of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement is that God heals today. If you’ve been a believer very long, you know this is true because you’ve experienced it or seen it, and you know the Bible teaches it.

Most Spirit-led believers accept this by faith. Yet, here is exciting news: There are actual medical studies that back what we believe. These studies are not widely known. But, they have been put together in a remarkable new book by a French doctor named Max Fleury called The Faith Link.

Dr. Fleury is a medical doctor with a private practice. He has been a Charismatic believer for about 30 years and previously served in a pastoral role. Dr. Fleury, who speaks English fluently, also has been a medical journalist, appearing frequently on television.

Dr. Fleury lays out the case that there is scientific evidence that things happen in the brain when people pray, or are prayed for. Much of this is discovered with the new technology that is able to monitor changes in the brain or in other parts of the body.

He shows how science often backs up the Bible, most times citing the specific studies conducted by secular institutions and often by people who are not believers.

There is a demonstrable correlation between faith and healing. This teaching relies on a unique reference combining theological sources with clinical studies.

There is historical context along with existing scientific evidence, and solid evidence, of how to live your life in a healthy manner.

Eighteen months ago, I had the privilege of visiting Dr. Fleury at his home in Orleans, France. We sat and talked about these studies, which he said he was putting into a book in French. I got so excited that one thing led to another and the book was recently published in English by Charisma House.

If I was excited when I first heard about the book, I was even more excited when I read it because Dr. Fleury is laying out the case for God’s healing power today. I believe any ministry that is involved in prayer for the sick, or anyone who believes in prayer for the sick needs to read this important book. It will bolster your faith yet it shows that we do not have to accept what we believe by blind faith.

The global fitness and health industry generates more than $75 billion in revenue annually. The Bible teaches that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and you secure your trust in God for health and healing. This sums up Dr. Fleury’s book. He says that there is a direct connection between your health and your faith.

Recently, I interviewed Dr. Fleury by telephone and did a podcast for The Strang Report in which we talked about these issues. You can listen to part one by clicking here. (I encourage you to subscribe to The Strang Report podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network).  

In The Faith Link, Dr. Fleury makes these points:

  • Biblical Christianity is one of the best means of remaining in good health both physically and emotionally.

  • He believes that faith healing is proven by medical science.

  • He lays out evidence that things happen in the brain when you pray, even when you pray in tongues.

  • When attacked by secularists, he says that there is scientific evidence that is absolutely amazing, although it is not well known. Most of the studies are not well known outside of a small percentage of the medical profession.

  • He says that medical associations have even suggested that doctors should incorporate the use of prayer in their treatment of some patients.

  • Medical studies say that spirituality is good for the patient both in an intellectual and spiritual basis.

Dr. Fleury also explores the importance of fasting, prayer, reading the Scriptures, and actively participating in a faith community.

He talks about how Christianity also helps people to have good health to start with. He gives a lot of tips about good health including fasting which will be another subject in an issue of The Strang Report.

He also lays out principles of good health. He talks about Christianity and intimacy with God in a very interesting and winsome way.

I believe God wants us to be well and be in good health even as our souls are well (3 John 1:2, MEV). I have benefited from the things I’ve learned from the various health authors we’ve published over the years. My personal interest in health is part to the reason why we publish books by Dr. Don Colbert and others over the years under the Siloam imprint.

I sincerely believe you will benefit from this book. I encourage you to share this message on social media and to forward to others who you know are interested in health, including those who may be skeptical about whether healing is for today.

The book is available where Christian books are sold. But, to make it easy to respond to what you’re reading here, we have prepared a special landing page with extra information and the opportunity to buy the book online from several retailers. To buy this book, click here.

Rarely have I believed in one of the books we’ve published as much as this one. That’s why I am giving this review and my personal endorsement. It is also why I will write a second newsletter about this book next week.

Soon we’ll begin putting some of Dr. Fleury’s information on healing and healthy living on our health website at

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