Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why You Should Pay Attention to Kingdom Protocols

In this time of great unrest, uncertainty and chaos in the Earth, the Lord is raising up a great company of sons and daughters who exude His peace and reflect His great light, just as He said: “Let there be light!” The mandate given to this company is to: “Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness, make straight in the desert a highway for our God” (Is. 40:3).

Their job description is to see that “every valley be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low, and let the rough ground become a plain, and the rough places a plain” (Is. 40:4). As they accomplish this tremendous task, they will receive the glorious reward: “Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it” (Is. 40:5).

As the Lord prepares to usher in a massive awakening and to launch a vast company of saints into their divinely ordained destinies—some into the marketplace, some into the harvest fields and some to minister to His house—the enemies of our Lord are attempting to derail this move by launching a campaign of confusion, to cause division in the ranks, and miscommunication and offense in relationships. This has always been Satan’s greatest tactic from ancient times, and many can testify, through experience, of the suffering it causes.

However, recently, in this year of great expectation of the fulfillment of God’s promises, the enemy is attempting to sabotage divinely ordained destinies from coming forth. As I have been in prayer over this, the Lord revealed that the cause of much of the offense lies in a lack of adhering to the protocols of the kingdom coupled with unloving attitudes.

Protocols of the kingdom govern rules of conduct and accepted behavior clearly laid out in the Word of God. According to Wikipedia’s definition, protocol is: a rule which describes how an activity should be performed … [They] are often unwritten guidelines. Protocols specify the proper and generally accepted behavior in matters of state and diplomacy, such as showing appropriate respect to a head of state, ranking diplomats in chronological order of their accreditation at court, and so on. In any great kingdom or government, and most certainly in the kingdom of God, there is order and protocol to be observed in all relationships, but most especially in observance with the leadership or elders appointed by God. 

“We ask you, brothers, to acknowledge those who labor among you, and are appointed over you in the Lord, and instruct you. Esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves” (1 Thess. 5:12-13).

Some Guidelines in Relating to Leadership

  • Show honor to your leaders through love, kindness and listening to their advice and counsel with respect.
  • Love them in prayer, intercession, and kindness, for “he who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward” (Matt. 10:41).
  • Refrain from: criticism, judgment, gossip and slander of leaders God has appointed.
  • Be sensitive and give leaders their space as they are dealing with many people on many fronts, and it can be overwhelming and tiring.
  • Try not to flood leaders with your revelations, especially leaders you do not have a relationship with. Trust God for your timing. Jesus went into the grave carrying the greatest revelation of all history—that He was the Son of God and indeed God Himself! If your revelation is from God, it cannot die; God will bring it forth in its time with far greater anointing and impact when you wait for His timing.
  • Do not be presumptuous in word or action. Luke 14:7-11 is a great Scripture to meditate on: “When He marked how they chose the seats of honor, He told a parable to those who were invited, saying to them, ‘When you are invited by any man to a wedding banquet, do not sit down in a seat of honor, lest a more honorable man than you be invited by him; and he who invited you both will come and say to you, “Give this man the seat,” and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest seat. But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest seat, so that when he who invited you comes, he may say to you, “Friend, go up higher.” Then you will have respect in the presence of those who sit at dinner with you. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
  • Resist the temptation or desire to correct leaders on their messages or their doctrine, especially if you are not in relationship with them. If you feel that a leader is in error, follow proper protocol and take it to the leader that you are accountable to or, better still, take it to God in prayer! Ultimately, leaders are set in their position by God and they must answer to Him. He is most capable of correcting His servants if it is needed. In seeking Him first, God may just reveal a greater revelation of truth that you did not see.
  • God sets leaders in within boundary lines established by Him. Within these regions they sit at the gates and are mandated with the authority to govern. There are spheres of authority in the kingdom of God and protocol related to those spheres.

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