Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

20 Days Before Easter: ‘Jesus Was No Sissy’

Jesus knew what it was like to put in a hard day's work.

Although He was God incarnate, Jesus knew what it was like to put in a hard day’s work, Christian author and Pastor Jamie Buckingham says. He often went out with His disciples to fish and worked alongside them, often putting in grueling hours.

He experienced the trials and tribulations of men. Like us, He experienced discouragement and pain, including the excruciating bodily pain of the cross.

“Remember, Jesus was God become man. He knew what it was like to work, to sweat and to be tired. As you worship Him, give thanks that He understands your problems. He cares for you. He understands, and He has been where you are,” Buckingham says in this video devotional.{eoa}

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