Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why It Seems to Take God Forever to Unfold Your Destiny

If you're still wondering what God has called you to, here's why He may be taking longer than you think.

Someone recently disclosed how frustrated they were with the time it was taking to enter into their calling. In a moment of fierce discontent, they loudly exclaimed, “You’d think by now, I would have gotten somewhere in all of this. I honestly don’t understand why God is holding out on me?”

From their limited perspective, the gracious intentions of the Lord should always be immediate. Apparently it was thought that sincere Christians should never have to wait for anything. They couldn’t imagine why God wouldn’t bring them directly into their ultimate destiny. As the future seemed less certain, uncomfortable questions had to be entertained.

I explained that they were looking at things all wrong. What was understood as an “erroneous trajectory” was actually a demonstration of God’s mercy. Sometimes the Lord takes His sons and daughters down the “longer road” so that an endurance can be developed. While this “friction point” is rarely valued, everyone’s character ultimately has to catch up with their giftings and callings.

I explained to this sullen, discontented Christian that, if the direct route to the “promise land” was always accessed, most wouldn’t survive. History reveals that few are truly prepared to face the awaiting giants. Part of God’s way of taking care of His own is by guiding them forward in a “round-about way.”

This is what occurred with ancient Israel. As they left Egypt on a journey that should have taken 40 days, they found themselves on a 40-year detour. While this elicited considerable confusion among Jacob’s sons, the Lord knew exactly what was happening. Moses disclosed the following:

“Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them through the way of the land of the Philistines, although it was nearby. For God said, ‘Lest the people change their minds when they see war, and they return to Egypt'” (Ex. 13:17).

I suggested that God sometimes takes us down the longer trek because He doesn’t want us to give up and “go back to Egypt.” Most imagine themselves stronger than they truly are. In the Lord’s unmatched wisdom, He’ll never allow His children to enter into battles they aren’t ready to fight.

What seems slow to many is actually a demonstration of the heavenly Father’s inexhaustible love. What’s slowing you down isn’t God—it’s you. {eoa}

J.D. King is an author, speaker and director of the World Revival Network.

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