Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Who Rules: a Vision Concerning Washington, D.C.

Who rules in Washington? Hint: It's not people.

Here is a vision God gave me recently concerning our government officials in Washington, D.C. It healed anger and fear within me:

It occurred during my morning journaling time as I asked God to show me His heavenly perspective and how He saw Washington, D.C. It was a life-changing experience!

Seeing evil: I looked in my mind’s eye at Washington, D.C., and all I was corruption, lack of integrity and ineptness. It made me angry and it made me fearful: Angry because no one would stand up and do the right thing, and fearful because their terrible spending habits could destroy the entire economy.

Feeling evil: I realized that anger and fear were not proper fruit in my life, so I decided to journal about this in my morning devotions. I asked Jesus to show up in the picture of Washington in my mind. What I was viewing did not have Jesus in it, so it obviously was a lie since Jesus is everywhere, and because it was a lie, it was producing some pretty ugly emotions.

Seeing Jesus: I put a smile on my face, relaxed and asked Jesus to show me where He was in the scene. Into my mind flowed a picture of Jesus enthroned on a throne above Congress and the White House. His long flowing robes were flowing down over Congress and the White House, and His glory was streaming down over the buildings and those who lived and worked in them.

Hearing Jesus: He spoke, “I rule in Washington, D.C.”

Reflection: Well, of course He does. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. And yes, I sure don’t know why He puts certain people over us, but the Roman government was far worse than our government, and yet Jesus was clear that they had no power other than what God granted them.

“Pilate said to Him, ‘Are You not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have power to release You, and power to crucify You?’ Jesus answered, ‘You would have no power at all over Me, unless it were given to you from above. Therefore he who handed Me over to you has the greater sin.'” (John 19:10-11).

I said, “Yes, but God, they are removing You from all institutions in America!”

God reminded me of His reaction in Scripture to the identical situation:

“Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us tear off their bonds and cast away their ropes from us'” (Ps. 2:1-3).

Will God Ever Be Removed? 

The nations in David’s day were also attempting to remove God from their lives—throw off His moral restraints so they would have no cords to bind them, and they could do anything they pleased.

Well, God wasn’t too concerned about their puny efforts.

“He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord ridicules them. Then He will speak to them in His wrath and terrify them in His burning anger” (Ps. 2:4-5).

You know, if God can laugh, then I can too. Laughter is so much better than getting all down in the dumps and getting fearful, angry and depressed. So guess what? I have decided to laugh and set aside my fear, anger and depression, and I highly recommend you do so too. It is healing to your whole body and a testimony to your belief that the Lord is still on His throne.

Taking authority! I can also ask for the nations to become the Lord’s, which I do!

“Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession” (Psalm 2:8).

Church, let’s rise up with a victory shout and declare the truth: The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Ps. 24:1) and the Most High is Ruler over the realm of mankind (Dan. 4:17)!

Excerpted from Mark Virkler’s book, Prayers That Heal the HeartMark Virkler is founder and president of Christian Leadership University and co-founder of Communion With God Ministries. The co-author of more than 50 books with his wife, Patti, Mark has received a Master of Theology from Miami Christian University and a Ph.D. from Carolina Christian University.

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