Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How to Find Your Why to Help You Start Living Healthy

What is your

I teach a health and wellness class at the church where my husband and I pastor. During one of the classes, a man stood up and shared his story about his journey toward wellness.

In 2006, he was 130 pounds overweight. Within the space of a week, his girlfriend of two years broke up with him and his doctor told him that he was a high-risk candidate for diabetes.

This was a turning point, forcing him to take an honest look at his life. In those two cataclysmic moments of his life, he decided that he didn’t want to be overweight anymore—not now, and not again. He had to align his reason for wanting to get healthy with what he felt God had called him to do with his life.

This became his “why.” I loved the concept of having a “why” and adopted this way of thinking for myself.

1 Piece of Advice

When people approach me searching for advice on the best way to get started on a healthy lifestyle, they expect me to tell them to cut out all sugar from their diet or to eat their weight in fruit and vegetables. While I do advise eliminating sugar and eating a fair amount of green, leafy vegetables, my first piece of advice is to find the reason “why” they are embarking on this journey.

Find Your “Why”

Ask yourself this: Why do you want to get healthy? Why do you want to be strong? Why do you want to lose weight?

I think it’s important to know why you are doing what you are doing. When the Lord spoke to me one morning, years ago in my kitchen, what He said became my “why.” I want to become healthy because I want to be around for the long haul. More times than I can count, remembering my “why” has given me the strength to push forward on my journey. It’s much easier to say no to a milkshake, a burger with a large side of fries and my old beloved friend, the doughnut, because I know that they won’t help me stay true to my “why.”

Your “Why” Keeps You Motivated

I remember one particular morning when I was reluctantly driving to the gym and everything inside of me wanted to turn my car around, go home and plop down in front of my television. To be honest, if I hadn’t had a meeting with my trainer that day; I don’t think I would have made it to the gym. But during my drive there, I was reminded of my “why.”

I thought back to the day in my kitchen, and the way it felt when God told me so very clearly that He wanted me around for the long haul. Remembering His words and the way that they had resonated with my spirit, I made the decision to give my all at the gym that day. It ended up being one of my best workouts ever. I believe that my willingness to persevere pleased the heart of God and, in turn, He partnered with my strength.

As you begin your own journey, I can’t stress enough the importance of finding your “why.” I promise you that it will help get you through many challenges along the way. Maybe you want to become healthier because you’d like to be able to walk your daughter down the aisle at her wedding, or maybe you want your children to experience what it’s like to have a parent who can play with them. Everyone has a different “why.” Don’t wait until you are sick and the doctor has to give you your “why.”

Find your “why” with God, now!

Beni Johnson is the author of the brand new book, Healthy and Free: A Journey to Wellness for Your Body, Soul and Spirit. Beni and her husband, Bill, are the senior leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Together they serve a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. Beni oversees Bethel’s intercessors and Prayer House. Her joyful approach to intercession makes supernatural connection with the Lord accessible to all. For over 10 years, Beni has been on a mission to help teach and equip the church to walk in divine health, so that the body of Christ could be the healthiest community in the world. Keep up with Beni’s health journey at:

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