Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn: These Are the Days of the Prophets

Jonathan Cahn

As if headlines of war, plane crashes and natural disasters are not enough, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says the other sign of judgment in the last days is upon us.  

Cahn then recites the prophecy of Isaiah: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” 

At the same time America is “racing” into apostasy, Cahn says, the country is targeting Christians.  

Look at Joe Kennedy, who was suspended from his football coaching position for praying on the 50-yard line. 

Then there’s Kim Davis, who claimed “God’s authority” when denying same-sex marriage licenses.  

Consider Aaron and Melissa Klein, among others, who have been the subject of a lawsuit for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding ceremony.  

“We’re hearing more stories we’ve never heard before, trying to force Christians to basically take part in abomination,” Cahn says.  

Watch the video to see what he believes is to come.

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