Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

5 Prophetic Signs in the Heavens That Converge in 2015

The fourth blood moon, which happened on Sept 27, could be a divine sign.

A key theme of my book, Blood Moons Rising, is how five prophetic signs, including the four blood moons, are warning that we may be coming upon a very turbulent period for mankind. And as I will discuss, this is already happening. However, I believe that, starting in September and October of 2015 through 2016, it may get progressively worse.

There are five great signs in the heavens that all converge in 2015. Among these signs are the blood moons which culminate with the fourth and final total lunar eclipse on Sept. 27, which also happens to be the High Holy Jewish feast day of Sukkot. It is very significant how all the other signs seem to be converging in September/October 2015, and all during High Holy feast days.

A blood moon is a total lunar eclipse. It is called a blood moon because of the reddish color that the moon takes on as the earth passes in between the sun and the moon. 

After Sept. 27, we will have witnessed 4 blood moons; all four having occurred on high holy feast days that God had appointed for the Hebrews as recorded in the ancient Scriptures. This is significant because the ancient Rabbis reveal that when these signs occur during God’s appointed feast days, it means that God is warning of something big about to happen.

By the way, we also experienced two solar eclipses in the midst of these blood moons, which are considered to be an omen for the world. 

God revealed in the book of Genesis that the heavenly bodies would not only be for seasons but also for signs. In the Gospel of Luke, God revealed that before the end of days there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. 

As if the blood moons and solar eclipses of 2014 and 2015 all happening on God’s appointed feast days were not enough, in Blood Moons Rising I reveal how the seven-year Shemitah, the 50-year Jubilee and related prophetic cycles are all converging in September/October 2015 and why this is so significant for mankind. 

We should take considerable notice of what has happened in the past two Shemitah years. Let’s review what has already taken place since the first blood moon of April 2014:

  • The emergence of the ISIS terrorist army.
  • Global economic and financial instability persists and may get exponentially worse in 2015/2016.
  • A massive exodus out of Syria by refugees.
  • Russia has moved significant assets including troops to the border.
  • Since 2014, there has been an alarming increase in the rate of violence and civil unrest in America.
  • In America, police shootings and policemen being shot has escalated since 2014.
  • In 2015, America entered into a nuclear deal with its sworn enemy, Iran.
  • Many already forgot that in 2014 Israel engaged in a war with Hamas and other terrorist groups.
  • Relations between the West and Russia have eroded since 2014 to Cold-War levels.
  • We experienced an Ebola virus outbreak in 2014 that even reached the USA.
  • In 2014 and 2015, three nations defaulted on their debt—Argentina, Greece and Puerto Rico; the latter being a U.S. territory.
  • In 2014, the USA started bombing missions in Iraq against the ISIS terrorist army. The USA built up a coalition of 10 nations that pledged to fight against this ISIS terror group. Yet to date we have witnessed little, if any, progress to stop this army 

I can go on and on, but I hope this makes my point.

I believe that the heavenly and prophetic signs that are converging right now have never been as important to heed. In my book I reveal and explain other significant prophetic cycles, such as the 49- to 50-year Jubilee and seven-year Shemitah cycle, which are also converging in 2015, and why this makes the 2015/2016 time frame as the most significant period for the unfolding of end-time events.

Robert Rite is the author of several nonfiction books, including Signs in the HeavensRevelation Mysteries Decoded, and his most recent release, End of Days.

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