Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

How Not to Cheat in a Relationship

Remember that no one is above this.

When you Google “cheating,” you come up with a lot of websites that will help you do it. That tells a lot about our society.

On your wedding day, cheating is the farthest thing from your mind. You may even think: We love each other. That will never happen to us. It’s important to realize that none of us are above it.

When you don’t take the measures to protect your marriage from cheating, you will find yourself even more vulnerable to temptation. How to not cheat in a relationship is to continually practice activities that keep you from it.

Here are 3 things my wife Lauren and I do:

1. Realize we are not above it. The minute you think it couldn’t happen to you is when your guard goes down. That mentality will put you in a much weaker position and make you more susceptible to wander. It’s important to be alert and focused on your commitment to your spouse.

2. Reading Scripture. God’s word is instrumental in both Lauren’s and my life. It keeps us focused on His ways rather than our own, which helps us hold to what is right both morally and in our relationship.

3. Talk and pray about it. Talking about it keeps us connected and on the same page. It ensures that nothing comes in between us. Similar to reading Scripture, praying about it focuses our minds and hearts on the right things. However, it also invites God’s protection over our marriage and His daily renewal.

Tony Dungy is a national spokesman for All Pro Dad and a former Super Bowl-winning player and coach in the NFL. For the original article, visit allprodad.com.

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