Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why You’re So Negative

It’s time for a profound movement of freedom; time to learn how to move forward, instead of allowing life to beat you down. I share a deep and genuine longing for thousands to hear this message of love and hope. My soul is full and I want to shout out with relentless faith, the purest delight, and a passion ignited by God.

This message holds a truth that can never be denied. Settle your hearts, quiet your soul. Allow your mind and thoughts to focus on these words. Nothing else matters right now.

Bask and rest in this moment. This is intense and can change your life forever. This IS for the faint and weak-hearted, this is for the one who struggles day by day to carry on. This is for the beaten up, battered, bruised, pushed down, sold-out, drug user, thief, fornicator.

This is also for the caring, genuine, sweet, give you the shirt off their back, strong, courageous and bold; type of person. This is for everyone. What if … You are living in a sea of lies. You are living hopeless, doubting, desperate, and in a mediocrity that’s unacceptable to God.

You believe a lie someone told you or horrible things they called you. You are holding onto someone’s opinion or unjustified judgment. Why are you allowing one or even a few people in your life to keep you down, hold you back, make you believe less about yourself?

Why are you allowing people to dictate what dreams, desires, and goals you achieve? If this is you, you no longer have to live this way. This is where that path ends.

This is where the lies stop, and truth finds you out. This Bible verse will change your life. “The thief does not come, except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

The enemy has planned against you since the day you were born. There’s a battle for your soul. The enemy plays dirty and intends to kill.

He doesn’t only want you physically dead, but he will accept any win. He will deplete your confidence, belittle you, emotionally cripple you, lie to your face, stab you in the back, wound, and leave you for dead. He will turn people against you; insult you, toy with your thinking, whisper death into your being.

You must realize, he has come for you before and he doesn’t intend to leave you alone. Look back into your life and clearly see where he’s been. Maybe you invited him in with sin, maybe he cleverly snuck in uninvited. There is no denying, he has messed with you before.

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