Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
If you think God is a cosmic judge in the skies holding a lightning bolt pointed at you in case you slip up, read this.

Tragedy here. Tragedy there. Tragedy everywhere. This is how it seems sometimes.

In the old days, you could decide to not turn on the television and probably avoid the news. That’s not the case anymore. There are headlines here, there and everywhere.

Discouragement can set in.

As a believer in the God of the Bible and His Son, Jesus Christ, I don’t want to be discouraged.

I believe what God’s Holy Word declares about Him. He is on the throne. He is omnipotent—He has unlimited authority and power. Nothing surprises Him. He intervenes when He wants to.

Scripture encourages me. Scripture reminds me that God intervenes. I need to remember this today. And tomorrow. And the day after that. He is active and aware and not wringing His hands worried about what His people are or aren’t doing.

The book of Esther has some of my favorite truths about God intervening.

In Esther 2:1-9 we learn that Esther was “lovely in form and features.” God intervened because only beautiful women could be in the harem from which the new queen would be chosen. God also intervened because Esther won Hegai’s favor. He was the king’s eunuch in charge of the women.

In 2:17 we learn Esther was chosen to be the queen. This changed everything. Any number of women could have been chosen. God intervened.

Another evidence of God intervening is found in Esther 2:21-23. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, who raised her when she was orphaned, “just happened” to be in the right place at the right time to learn that some men were plotting to kill the king. As a result, he was able to save the king’s life. This, too, changed everything.

I realize you may not be following me well if you’re not familiar with the fascinating story of Esther and Mordecai. I encourage you to read this short Old Testament book. You’ll find other evidence that God intervenes.

Allow God’s Word to encourage you. Be reminded that God is active and involved. Also, allow your life to encourage you. I think it’s impossible to not remember times when God showed up and made a positive difference.

God intervenes. Pray expectantly! Watch optimistically! Let’s not be discouraged.

Dr. Kathy Koch is the author of Screens & Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in A Wireless World. 

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