Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
What is keeping you in fear?

Fear is all around us.

It penetrates and saturates our culture as water does a sponge. We read it in the headlines every morning. We hear it on the news every night.

We feel it in our bones, in our muscles and in our hearts.

Yes, we feel it in our hearts.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Throughout the Scriptures, God continually commands us not to fear. It’s interesting, isn’t it, that He gives us a command?  A command from God implies that we are able to obey it.

So, why are we afraid? I would propose that we are afraid because we do not know God.

God is love, and in Him there is never anything to fear. Scripture tells us that “perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18). God, who is Perfect Love, will drive out fear every time. But here is the clincher: We must trust Him and believe Him when He says that there is nothing to fear for those of us who know Him.

The bottom line is that we get rid of fear by getting to know God intimately. Here is His promise to us found in Isaiah 26:3: “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

The antidote for fear: is to keep our minds fixed on God. And why do we keep our minds fixed on God? It’s because we trust in Him. And why do we trust Him? It’s because He is God and perfectly trustworthy!

Are you struggling with fear today? Then turn your eyes toward Jesus and keep looking into His beautiful face. Keep your thoughts fixed on Him. As you do, His peace will drive out every fear.

Dr. Maryann Diorio is a Certified Life Coach, a Certified Biblical Counselor, and a Certified Behavioral Consultant. She is also an award-winning, widely published author of fiction for children and adults, including the book You Were Made for Greatness. You may reach her at [email protected] or at her blog here.

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