Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: Things are Going to Change Suddenly for My People

Lana Vawser says God's people are going to experience wonderful change in their lives suddenly.

I had a vision this morning where many of the people of God lying prostrate before the Lord. There was a deep level of surrender taking place. Instantly I knew that coming to the place of this deep surrender was painful for some at first. There was a “letting go” that was taking place. But the process of surrender was extending and the people of God lying prostrate before Him were beginning to laugh and laugh and laugh with great joy.

There was such deep joy found in the absolute radical surrender. The people of God were experiencing joy in a measure they had not known before. The deeper they were going in their surrender of their hearts, their lives, their all, the more joy they were finding. 

I then saw the Lord move up to these ones lying prostrate. One by one He asked them to sit up and they sat cross-legged and the Lord sat with them. There was a deep conversation taking place, and I could hear the Lord saying “Tell me the desires of your heart.” “Tell me what is on your heart.”

There were lots of tears. Tears of joy as they shared the passions on their hearts, their dreams. There were then tears of sadness for many hearts desires and their dreams that had been locked away for so long. The Lord laughed with them in the joy, and cried with them in the mourning.

The more the people of God spoke and shared their heart with Him, the more they realized that in this deep surrender that had taken place the desires on their heart had been sifted and shifted. They were moving in the very heartbeat of God. 

I then heard the Lord say “Your deepest dreams and desires have not been forgotten or overlooked by Me. They are now going to manifest into the atmosphere as you have delighted in Me.”

I saw the Lord lean forward and He blew on the hearts of His people and suddenly I saw their hearts ON FIRE. Their hearts were burning with the fire of God. LIFE had come back to desires and dreams. Life had come to the depths of desires and dreams that no one else had seen. 

“It’s time for the dreams and desires that are intertwined with My heartbeat to COME ALIVE.”

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4).

He continued to share from His beautiful heart of encouragement.

“There is going to be provision like you have never seen. There is going to be opportunity knocking at your door like you have never seen. There is going to be favor that lifts you up because you have stewarded well and have been living with an open hand. There is going to be increase that will see you giving abundantly to people and sowing into nations that will have eternal impact.”

“My fire has fallen on your sacrifice. NOTHING has gone unseen. I have seen EVERY tear, EVERY sacrifice, EVERY hand lifted in praise through the weariness, EVERY tear cried in the waiting and pain, EVERY step of obedience in the trial and hardship and I have heard EVERY “I LOVE YOU” when you don’t understand. I have seen the choices to trust even when you don’t understand. I have seen you continue to take a STAND even when it hurt. Your dreams and desires are now coming alive.”

“Many of you have been weighed on the scales and you have NOT been found wanting. Greater things are still to come. They are beginning now. My Glory is going to shine from your faces and lives like NEVER before. Many of you need to hear you have done NOTHING wrong.

The “waiting” and “stretching time” is not a reflection of you doing something wrong but me extending you to carry the more. You have heard Me saying this over and over but fear has gripped your hearts. Continue to stay close to My heart, listening to My voice and you will always be led and guided by My Spirit. To those I entrust with much, greater is the stretching.”

“Things are going to change SUDDENLY, My people. The atmosphere is pregnant with change, and SUDDENLY you will move from the contending process into a completely different land of abundance and “living the dream.” My people get ready to pinch yourselves because what you are stepping into is going to be so glorious that it will feel SURREAL, everything we have dreamed about will become SO REAL.”

Your hearts desires and dreams are on fire! They are coming alive!

Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus, deeper intimacy with Him, and learning to hear His voice. She operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. Lana has written her first book, titled Desperately Deep—Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue with Jesus, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.

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