Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

God Has Assigned Angels of Breakthrough to Your Life in This Season

Are you ready for your angels of breakthrough?

This week I had the privilege of sitting with some amazing ladies and was given some tremendous encouragement. One of these amazing ladies sang prophetically over me, a beautiful song from Papa God that touched the very core of me.

In the middle of this prophetic song she sang the words “angels of breakthrough” and from that day, I have felt the heaviness of anointing and glory of God over those words.

Today, I sat down to write the word I felt for today and I was pushing through HUGE amounts of distraction, confusion, and lack of clarity. 

As I pressed in deeper to the Lord, suddenly the “noise” of distraction, confusion and lack of clarity broke. This is the second time this year I have seen something similar to this. I saw angelic hosts moving up and down the ladder of heaven, ascending and descending and the words booming in me “ANGELS OF BREAKTHROUGH.”

Amidst the distraction, the confusion and lack of clarity, PRESS IN and keep pressing in for suddenly it will break as the angels of breakthrough have been assigned and sent from Papa God into your life NOW to reveal your breakthrough.

I felt the Lord saying that, “the area where there is the LOUDEST NOISE, the LOUDEST DISTRACTION, the LOUDEST CONFUSION, the LOUDEST lack of clarity is the VERY AREA of your NEXT GREATEST BREAKTHROUGH.”

Many have felt like they are dying in the process, that they have become weaker in the process, that they have “lost” in the process but suddenly I saw a tree with DEEP, DEEP roots and no matter how LOUD the wind was blowing and the tree at the beginning of the vision was bending almost to the ground broken, as they continued to stand and press into Him, roots going deep, what was send to ROT them, was actually ROOTING THEM DEEPER in Him. Although you may not feel like it, I felt the Lord saying MANY have and are moving into their “SHIFT” and they are stronger than before, faith muscles are BIGGER than before and the Lord is about to reveal the “STRENGTH” in Him that He has built within them.

As these angels were descending into the lives of the people of God I saw them take measuring sticks from the lives of many of God’s people and they crushed them under their feet. I realized that many had been measuring their breakthrough against others breakthrough which was hindering their process and progress. I saw these measuring sticks being used against themselves to “assess” whether they have “passed or failed” or “qualified” for breakthrough. 

It was then I felt the Lord saying He is breaking off “orphan spirits” through this process leading into some of the greatest breakthroughs they have ever received. Certainly there are things that the Lord asks us to do in order to receive our “breakthrough” in the “contending process” but the Lord was dealing with “heart issues” in this process. HUGE heart shifts were taking place. Don’t underestimate what your “heart shifting” in the spirit is releasing in the NATURAL. 

I saw these angelic hosts begin to release what looked like Hershey’s kisses (the chocolates) and suddenly I looked closer and they said “heaven’s kisses.” They began to release these “heaven’s kisses” chocolates over the lives of His people. 

Then they spoke “EAT and RECEIVE.”

Instantly the understanding flooded my heart. The Lord was releasing gloriously sweet kisses of His love and FAVOUR over the lives of His people in the process.

THOSE gloriously sweet kisses were not only delicious as they were eaten and received but they were opening up greater revelation of Papa God into the hearts of His people. Orphan spirits were breaking off EVERYWHERE. The Lord was releasing divine kisses from heaven that were SO glorious it was CLEAR to the people of God that HE had opened a door of breakthrough that no man could shut (Isaiah 22:22). IN the receiving and eating of these divine kisses of favor, identity was being restored, hearts were being healed and the DEPTHS of His people’s hearts were being AWAKENED to Papa’s love. The strongholds of measuring sticks had been done away with and broken. The season of greatest breakthrough was opening up WIDE before them.

As I looked across a sea of His people, I saw as they ate one of those “kisses” MORE was given to them and I felt the Lord say “I am giving to you in great abundance first because I LOVE YOU and then because I have called you to be an ABUNDANT FLOW.”

The people of God were then moving out into their every day lives transformed continually by the love of their Papa God through these continual “divine kisses” and releasing those kisses to others. The people of God were “walking invitations into encounters with HIM for others”. The wildfire of Papa’s glorious love for mankind was spreading throughout the earth at an accelerated pace.

Angels of breakthrough have been assigned to your life. They are descending now in this season. Stand firm. You are about to enter a time of being drenched in the divine kisses of heaven like never before! Oh how glorious our Papa is!

Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus, deeper intimacy with Him and learning to hear His voice. She operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. Lana has written her first book, titled Desperately Deep—Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue with Jesus, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.

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