Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Is Releasing a Great Acceleration

Big Ben

As I was sleeping last night I heard the Lord and He spoke loudly:

“I am quickening time between the release of the promise to its fulfillment.”

Quickening: To make more rapid; accelerate; to give restore; to revive and restore life; to receive life and become alive (

The Lord is quickening time as His people are between the release of His promise/s to its fulfillment. The Lord is releasing a great acceleration. In this acceleration, the Lord is going to restore, He is going to revive and restore life where life has been stolen. 

Through this great acceleration taking place NOW the Lord is bringing His people to life. What has hindered His people as they press in and stand firm waiting on Him will hinder them no more. The people of God are going to hit the ground running. The stretching has been long and hard, but the catapult acceleration of time to fulfillment has arrived.

I saw a clock and the clock hands were moving fast around the clock to bring the people of God to the place of fullness. It stopped at 12! He is establishing His fullness and government in your life as you have continued to stand firm in Him.

Your suddenly has come. The acceleration is not coming, it has begun. Fasten your seatbelts for the process is about to reach fulfillment quickly. A glorious heavenly quickening of time is about to be seen and a demonstration of the goodness of God. His glorious heart of love is going to be seen in the acceleration to restore, revive, restore, set up and release in and through His people.

People of God, in this whirlwind of acceleration you are coming alive to the life that was purchased for you and always yours. The enemy may have come to steal, kill and destroy, but he is defeated. He has lost, and you are moving into greater life (John 10:10).

His promises to you are about to reach fulfillment suddenly! Sudden heavenly alignment. 

You are now going to see how He is quickening time between the release of the promises to their fulfillment. The power of God is about to be put on display for all to see! Wonderful God!

Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus; deeper intimacy with Him; and learning to hear His voice. She operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. Lana has written her first book, titled Desperately Deep—Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue with Jesus, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.

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