Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Franklin Graham Points to Clear Signs of the End Times

Franklin Graham

With the blood moons, the rise of Christian persecution worldwide, and the wars and rumors of wars, many are wondering if Christ’s return is nearer than we think.

Indeed, NFL star Benjamin Watson recently speculated that the rise of ISIS is a sign of Christ’s soon return. What does evangelist Franklin Graham have to say?

“The Bible tells us that in the end times there will be ‘distress of nations with perplexity.’ This is certainly the case today,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post.

Graham pointed directly to the meltdown of the Middle East; the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and here in the America; China and Russia building their military at cosmic speed; the financial crises worldwide; and the political crisis in Washington.

“Israel is desperate to have peace, but the Bible says, ‘They will seek peace but there shall be none,'” Graham said. “There is only one ultimate, eternal solution—Jesus Christ and Him alone.”

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