Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

When a Dream From God Seems Impossible

woman imagining

Have you ever dreamed the impossible? Has God instilled in you a vision beyond earthly reach?

Dreams are a blessing from God. They mean that He’s sharing with us a purpose for His glory. Like a close friend, God desires to share His dreams with us. God’s dreams are big, they take time, they require patience, and ultimately produce outcomes bigger than we can fathom.

Dreams are often exciting when God gives them to us, but they may require us to make great sacrifices to realize their full outcome.

Abram and his wife Sarai were dreamers. Genesis 12 recounts the start of a journey in which God entrusted them with the dreams of His heart.

Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your family, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed'” (Gen. 12:1-3).

Dreams require dependence upon God. They ask us to step out in faith and follow an unknown vision. God gave Abram a great gift. He would father an earthly lineage of untold numbers, but first he had to give up his country, his people and his will. Abram and Sarai had to sacrifice all they’d known in order to fulfill God’s purposes.

” He brought him outside and said, ‘Look up toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them.’ And He said to him, ‘So will your descendants be'” (Gen. 15:5).

Throughout their journey, Abram and his family would witness famine (Gen. 12:10), pestilence (12:17) and impatience (12:16). In fact, their desire to “help” God bring about the lineage He had promised prior to His timing had lasting consequences. Their impatience marred the dream God envisioned for mankind. Yet, in spite of their mistakes, God’s purpose remained.

The life of a dreamer is never easy. It requires faith. Dreamers must sacrifice their own plans for God’s plans. Dreamers must remain faithful in uncertainty, endure hardships and ultimately accept the gradual unveiling of God’s will.

What Abram and Sarai failed to understand is that apparent impossibility makes the dream more miraculous. Such dreams are less about us and more about God. From faith in the impossible, comes the fruition of dreams bigger than our earthly understanding.

In spite of their frailties, God chose to use two imperfect people to carry out His will. In spite of our imperfections, God gives us dreams beyond our abilities and understanding.

Take courage, dear friends, as you wait patiently for the unfurling of God’s perfect plans. Dare to dream the impossible. Know that with God, all things are possible. He has chosen you, in this season, to be part of something big. Wait patiently, pray earnestly and trust that His timing is perfect.

Reprinted with permission of the Assemblies of God Women’s Department from Her Green Room. Natalia Guerreiro serves as the Leadership Development Specialist for the National Women’s department of the Assemblies of God. In 2010, she earned a dual track master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and Licensed Professional Counseling. She is currently a doctoral candidate with the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, focusing her final project on Malnutrition Abatement Initiatives within impoverished communities. Natalia previously served as the Interim Associate Pastor for Evangel Temple in Springfield, Missouri, and is a speaker, course lecturer, mentor and friend. As a single adult, Natalia seeks to encourage and affirm women to pursue the call of God upon their lives, and know that God’s purposes are made anew each day.

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