Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A Prophetic Look at 2015


In the Hebrew calendar we are in the year 5775, which is the Year of the Whirlwind. Five is the number of grace and 7 is the number of completion, which means we have double completion of grace this year. Daniel 4 confirms that grace has an expiration date, by revealing a prophetic word that was spoken over King Nebuchadnezzar and then in verse 28 says, 12 months later, an angel spoke the same word to him and immediately the word spoken had come to pass in his life.

Grace has an expiration date and I believe we are coming upon that date this year. I believe God has been speaking to people about what He wants, even expects from them and he has given us a grace period to obey, but if we refuse to obey in the grace period, when grace expires discipline begins, so we can repent and be restored (Dan. 4).

This year is going to be a whirlwind year, the Hebrew calendar says it is, the signs in the heaven are declaring it with the four blood moons, which mean change in a way that is unprecedented (I encourage you to study the four blood moons and what they are saying to the earth). Another sign in the heavens was the double tornado (whirlwind) that hit Nebraska in June 2014. Any time there is double it means it is going to happen. Jesus would say, truly, truly or in some versions, verily, verily I say unto you. I believe God is speaking through the prophets and the signs in the heavens, truly, truly this is the year of the whirlwind.

So, what does it mean, what can we expect in the year of the whirlwind? I believe the year of the whirlwind means everything is going to change and it is going to happen suddenly. The prophets in the land are speaking of acceleration, fast, sudden, swift change.

When I was inquiring of the Lord about the year of the whirlwind, He reminded me of the movie The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy was in her house, when the whirlwind came and took her into a world she could not even have imagined or dreamed of. Her whole life changed forever. Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind (2 Kin. 2:1). Whirlwinds take everything and fling it to somewhere new. I believe the year of the whirlwind is going to usher in something brand new, that some have tried to put into words, but none of us can accurately articulate it.

The year of the whirlwind is going to be the end of one age and the beginning of another. My pastor Steve Gray at World Revival Church said that we serve a God of endings and beginnings. He went on to say we cannot have a new beginning without something coming to an end.

I believe we are on the tail end of one age and on the precipice of another. This end is going to mean a season of discipline for some who did not repent (change the way they think), and a season of rewards for others who endured the flames of the last season and came out as vessels of honor. Gold must go through the fire in order to withstand any fire. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were made of gold, so they came out of the fire without even the smell of smoke (Dan. 3).

The signs are in the heavens, the words of the prophets are in the earth, so what is God telling you do? Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! Do what he has told you to do, no matter what personal cost it will be to you. This is the year of the whirlwind, we are about to see everything change forever, and these are incredibly exciting times we are living in. It is going to be very good for the people of God, so repent, heed the warnings you are hearing and get ready for a whirlwind year.

Lisa Great, author of Divine Principles of Success, pastored a church in Malaysia. She is a minister and blogger at Mouthpiece Ministries.

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