Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Do Demons Want to Harm Your Child?

child and spirit

The answer is yes. Demons really do want to harm our children. The greatest danger to children and adults comes from an unseen force. It is Satan and his army of darkness.This evil spiritual army is obsessed with and completely focused on keeping as many men, women and children as possible eternally separated from the love of God and the saving grace of Jesus.

We must not assume that our children are not a threat to darkness. The enemy’s purpose is to grip and blind every generation, establishing strongholds in the lives of our children from a very young age. God created mankind because He has a Father’s heart and He wanted children to love. Just as earthly fathers and mothers long to have children born out of loving relationship, our heavenly Father also yearns for relationship with us, His children. Therefore, from the time we are conceived, through birth and throughout our lives, the enemy will set up traps, snares and schemes in order to keep us bound to lies of darkness and paralyzed from reaching our fullest kingdom potential.

He is a predator looking to kill, steal and destroy all that God wants to release in our lives.

A Modern-Day Story of Breaking the Power of a Deaf and Dumb Spirit

The distraught mother approached the altar with the lifeless two-year-old Henry in her arms. A feeding tube protruded from his little nose. His face was drastically swollen from all the medications. What should have been a happy, full-of-life little boy was a sick child ridden with seizures and barely alive. Cathy, his Chinese mother, in desperation to save her sick child, begged us to pray for him.

Speaking through her interpreter, I asked Cathy what was wrong with Henry. She explained that he had been suffering from seizures since birth. The doctors were unable to diagnose his condition. I asked, “There is no medical diagnosis for the seizures and sickness?” “No.”

Feeling a nudge from the Holy Spirit, I asked Cathy if they were Christians. “No, we are Hindu. We also worship Buddha and are involved in Taoism.”

“Cathy, why did you come to this service today?”

“Because the Hindu priests, the Buddhist monks and all the Taoist rituals have proven powerless to heal my son.” She shared how they had taken him to every temple on the island for healing. Instead of Henry’s condition being helped, it grew worse. The doctors had given no hope. The prognosis was a fast-approaching death.

I told Cathy we would pray for Henry, but first she needed our attention. I shared the message of salvation, and shortly after receiving the gift of eternal life, her countenance drastically changed. We asked if she felt the love of Jesus. With joyful tears she replied, “Yes, I do.”

“Cathy, before I pray for Henry, you need to assure my friend Pam and me that you and your husband will no longer take Henry to these temples. Only Christians can lay hands on him. You have been asking demonic gods to bring healing to your son. The result has been more demons invading his body, causing his critical illness.” I inquired if she and her husband had dedicated Henry at birth to dead ancestors and Hindu gods. She proudly responded, “Yes!”

We explained we were going to minister deliverance prayers. Cathy quickly agreed. We broke the power of all baby dedications to Hindu gods and dead ancestors. We commanded all witchcraft, anti-Christ spirits, spirits of infirmity, and death to go in the name of Jesus. I commanded, “Deaf and dumb spirit, I bind your power over Henry and his body right now in Jesus’s name. I break your power and command you to go.” Pam was praying in agreement.

Suddenly Henry’s body grew rigid as he went into an intense seizure. His face turned blue from the lack of oxygen. I remember being very thankful that Pam was not only a powerful prayer warrior but also a gifted nurse. In agreement, we commanded that spirit to go and to loose Henry. This two-year-old opened his eyes, gasped for air, and his overly chubby cheeks turned pink. Something had changed.

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