Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How to Bounce Back From a Meltdown

woman having breakdown

I’m having a breakdown.

Tears stream down my cheeks, and my tissue needs replacing.

Justin and I have been in transition—leaving a decade-long ministry that we love and looking toward the future with hope. It’s been hard to find time to do anything, let alone blog, which leaves a sense of dissatisfaction in my soul.

And today, I guess the culmination of my schedule, my job, my school and the disaster of a house filled with boxes to be filled caught up with me.

As my breathing calms and my eyes dry, I remember two pieces of advice.

From my “big sis” and an amazing friend Michelle during a phone call a few weeks ago:

“It’s OK to have a meltdown—do it privately, say a prayer, and get back up.”

The second is from my little sis, biologically, Jill, in the form of a text this morning:

Questioning is not a sign of a lack of strong faith. Wait on the Lord. It is TRUTH that God has already gone ahead of you and Justin and mapped out a whole plan. You just have to wait and trust. Wait on The Lord.

“Wait on the Lord. He is faithful.

“He is faithful. I’m serious. Take some time for just you. Relax and prep yourself. I always listen to worship music to help me get in the right mind frame. Listen to ‘Hold My Heart’ by Tenth Avenue North. Just do it!”

Michelle, my breakdown happened in the seclusion of my office while my boys play “ships.” Jill, I’m looking for the song.

Bethany Jett is the author of The Cinderella Rule, (Regal Publishing), a youth minister and blogger.

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